Having spent the last few months working in the garden and working around the house using all sorts of ropes, strings, extension cords, and hoses, I can confirm that the "rope/cord/wire inevitably gets caught on object" is a very real phenomenon that is not restricted to trite scenes in movies.
For example, if I am working with an extension cord, I can count on that cord wrapping itself around a tree or piece of furniture. If I am working with a garden hose, that hose will ultimately get caught up on any and all nearby objects rather than effortlessly moving across the lawn. And so on.
That post prompted some insightful comments, first from JM Smith:
Nowadays I spend more time on yard work, and you are right that extension cords and hoses catch on everything. If you actually added these things up, you would have statistical proof that we live in a fallen world. There is more "bad luck" than "good luck" in it.
Bruce Charlton shared the following:
This business of ropes and hoses is surely entropic/ demonic - almost never ordered and creative.
A string or rope will never weave itself into anything useful - but only into a mass of evil toils.
Every time I stretch-out the garden hose, it makes a loop leading to a tight kink which shuts-off the water. The kink cannot be shaken free, but I need to go back and manually untangle it.
...It takes one of God's children to undo the spontaneous influences of the evil ruler of this world.
And finally, commenter Epimetheus, who noted:
Extension cords are under Satan's dominion.
After another arduous summer of garden work and home renovations, I can confidently declare that cords, ropes, wires, and hoses are under Satan’s dominion, are proof of a fallen world, and are certainly entropic/demonic.
In fact, I believe cords, ropes, wires, and hoses are the specialty of a small but spitefully mischievous group of evil spirits I now refer to as Snag Demons.
Verifying their existence is incredibly easy. Just take out a tool or appliance with a cord, or attach an extension cord to something, or take out your garden hose and see how long you can use those things without the cord or hose twisting, tangling, catching, or snagging. Go ahead. Give it a shot.
The Snag Demons eagerly await you.