The argument comes in many shapes and flavors. Still, they all convey the same assumption—truth does not need people to be true. Ideas and truth exist independently of the person. Truth does not require any person to be true. It can be divorced from people entirely. Ideas are not contingent upon any person to be true. A person’s expression of the truth is of far more significance than the person expressing the truth. A person’s being only interferes with ideas and the truths they convey. Better to just separate the person from the idea altogether and focus on the idea because in the end, what is paramount is the idea, not the person communicating it.
And so on.
I’m not sure when Christians embraced this abstract Platonic-Enlightenment-democratic-academic-Hollywood bullshit assumption. Suffice it to say the vast majority have not only enthusiastically adopted this assumption but go to great lengths to staunchly defend it and vociferously champion it.
“Who I am as a person is irrelevant! they cry. “What is truly relevant are my ideas! And you don’t need to know who I am to consider my ideas because my ideas are greater than me! You don’t need to establish any relationship with me as a person to recognize and understand the truth inherent in my ideas. The truth inherent in those ideas is more than sufficient! Establish a relationship with that!”
Now, if any of the above is even remotely true, then the person of Jesus is utterly superfluous. If ideas matter more than the person expressing the ideas, then Jesus would not have had to live in this world. God could have simply allowed Him to implant the idea of resurrection and other Truths into people’s minds telepathically or some such thing.
But this is not what happened. The ideas Jesus expressed required His person to “back them up.” The two were indivisible, and they remain indivisible today. The personal is truth, and the truth is personal. You must know Jesus as a person to recognize and understand the ideas He expressed. You cannot separate Him from His ideas.
Any attempt to do so reduces the impact and glory of His ideas. Give it a shot sometime. Think about the truth Jesus communicated without thinking about Jesus and see how it goes.
More precisely, truth is not the recognition of some objective, impersonal fact; it is a personal, creative act.
The transmission of ideas and truth requires a creative relationship between persons for the truth to be true. Relating only to an idea can, at best, reveal only partial truths-- or worse.
Note added: Un-personing ideas is a material, reductionist, positivist approach to ideas and truth.
Better to side with Dostoevsky, who stated,
“If someone proved to me that Christ is outside the truth and that in reality the truth were outside of Christ, then I should prefer to remain with Christ rather than with the truth.”