A common urge among Christians when confronted by the System and its evils. Nothing inherently wrong with the urge if it leads to genuine spiritual action. Potentially fatal when it inspires only reaction.
The System is calibrated to trigger negative spiritual participation, primarily through lies, deceit, and manipulations that aim to provoke reaction. Reacting to System manipulations may look and feel like positive spiritual action, but it is anything but.
The actual act remains within the System domain; the re-action is primarily a Pavlovian response. Reaction assures the System of the effectiveness of its conditioning and manipulations. The more we react, the more assured the System becomes.
Jesus instructed us to turn the other cheek. Modern man interprets this as pacificism. A terrible error. Turning the other cheek signifies the transcendence and transfiguration of a reactive state.
The person striking you on the cheek expects a reaction. He anticipates your striking back. He does not anticipate the turned cheek. His “model” of reality shifts. He finds himself in an undiscovered country, suddenly uncertain about what may come next.
Christians talk a lot about transfiguring themselves and reality; however, they cannot transfigure anything in a reactive state. Why? Because reaction is not genuine action.
Reaction is not doing. Reaction is having things done to you.
Reaction defies transformation because it keeps you locked in the faux reality of determinism. The only thing reaction confirms is how impossible it is for you to have made any other decision or performed any other action.
The System loves that sort of thing.
The urge to do something must motivate Christians to act, genuinely act, rather than merely react.
The root of such motivation is in thinking.