In reality, Orbán and his government craftily manoeuvre within an illusion they have skilfully constructed to not only dupe the nation they purportedly serve but also delude salivating rightist supporters around the globe, some of whom have gone as far to declare Orbán to be the “savior” and “protector” of Hungary, Western Civilization, and Christianity.
Illusions deserve nothing but shattering, so I’ll cut right to chase here – Orbán et al. aren’t saving or protecting anything in Hungary, Western Civilization, or Christianity.
In many ways, the current Hungarian government has done more to harm Hungary, Western Civilization, and Christianity than the most rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth radical leftist government could ever hope to do.
And it has managed to inflict these harms precisely because it operates from behind a thin, flimsy, and clichéd veneer of conservatism, nationalism, and Christianity.
Regardless, rightists around the world want to believe in the Hungarian Hope, to the point that they conveniently ignore Orbán et al.’s glaring lies, self-contradictions, and malversations, the vast majority of which directly undermine the very conservative, nationalist, and Christian principles the Magyar ruling class professes to uphold and defend.
Case in point, the Hungarian government recently made a deal to purchase and “nationalize” the Liszt International Airport in Budapest using 3.9 billion euros of public money in a 50/50 ownership deal with Blackrock – yes, that Blackrock – in which the US “investment giant” would possess management rights.
I don’t know about you, but that is some odd nationalization.
Here’s another one. Orbán et al. energetically support the implementation of the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
And let’s not forget that Orbán’s crew was also the first EU country to approve the UN’s 2015 climate deal in Paris. They were also terribly disappointed when Trump withdrew the US from the deal in 2017.
Of course, Trump - Mr. Drain the Swamp, Make America Great Again - then went on to launch operation Warp Speed . . .
No, I'm not going to "link to support the above." If you are inclined to verify, do it yourself.
Listen. Forget this rightist, conservative, Christian social/political bullshit.
There are no political, corporate, media, institutional, religious, or social saviors and protectors in the West, so stop searching for them.
They are all Of the System, By the System, For the System, regardless of their stripe or bent.
The sooner you accept that the freer you will be to focus your energy elsewhere.