I’m not referring to the varying degrees of patience individuals possess or display; I’m talking about where one should draw the line concerning patience.
At what point should one refuse to bear problems, delays, or suffering without becoming irritated about them?
Calmness, composure, self-restraint, and forbearance are all admirable qualities, perhaps even virtues, yet at what point do they fail to bear fruit, stop helping spiritually, and become impediments?
Jesus reached His limit most dramatically during the cleansing of the temple. Yet, His patience wore thin on many other occasions, albeit far more subtlety.
What are the limits of patience in this era of limitless tolerance for everything but the rejection of the Litmus Test issues?
On a more personal level, what are the limits of patience with strangers, friends, and family? When can or should one say enough is enough and give impatience free reign?
There is no definite answer to any of the above. Individual results depend heavily on individual circumstances and inevitably vary. I understand that. Just thinking aloud.