At its most basic level, motivation provides the impetus for thinking, acting, and behaving in a certain way. Motivation also provides penetrating clues into a blogger’s overall goals and objectives. The motivation driving a blog – not the ideas or opinions the blogger presents – reveals what the blogger truly is, where his priorities lie, and what he is ultimately aiming for.
Motivation is particularly crucial in Christian blogs. Christian bloggers whose ideas, opinions, beliefs, and assumptions differ from mine do not unsettle me to any great extent, but Christian bloggers whose motivations do not seem to emanate from a good place appal me.
Even more dismaying are Christian bloggers whose motivations inevitably point to the eclipising of or absence of a good heart.
As with everything, motivation wavers. Even the best Christian bloggers are susceptible to publishing posts that qualify as motivationally suspect. Such inconsistency is understandable and forgivable as long as the overarching motivation flowing from an otherwise structurally good heart remains.
That said, when bloggers start losing their motivational grip, the motivational inconsistencies have a way of morphing into antithetical motivations.
The good heart begins to fade, something else stands in its place, and the ideas and opinions the blogger shares stop meaning all that much, regardless of how penetrating or insightful the ideas and opinions happen to be.
Note: A good heart is not synonymous with nice! Most nice Christian bloggers are insufferable, seemingly unsalvageable fools.
Many nasty, cantankerous Christian bloggers have good hearts and clearly discernible motivations that are good, but that good heart and those good motivations must be discernible; otherwise, such bloggers are, at best, only nasty and cantankerous or, at worst, on the wrong side.