Christians long to return to a time when they occupied the center of society. When they were the ones doing the marginalizing, the singling out, and the hunting down.
At the very least, Christians yearn for security. If nothing else, they dream of establishing safe spaces where Christians can be Christians without the threat of being marginalized, singled out, or hunted down.
Christians today loathe peripheries. They do not feel secure on the circumference. They long to reoccupy their place at the center because they believe that is the only way the they can be safe and the only way the world can be saved.
Christians today should forget about being safe. And they should certainly forget about saving the world.
Jesus didn’t pray for the world. Why do you?
Christians should also consider that the spiritual center is no longer synonymous with the social center. On the contrary, the spiritual center now begins on the social circumference and extends beyond the peripheries of ideal objectivity into real subjectivity.
Christians should also consider that Christ Himself was always on the social periphery despite being THE spiritual center.
Still, Christians insist they can only be Christians when they are safe, and being safe means being in the center of society.
In reality, Christians today are only safe when they are free. A Christian who is free knows he is at the center of the spiritual world. As such, he cannot be pushed to the periphery of anything.