I don't particularly care about Ferenc Gyurcsány, but I am intrigued by some of the rhetoric being employed by the Left as they attempt to squirm their way out of this rather uncomfortable Niedermüller situation. For his part, Gyurcsány has decided to employ the "I'm a white, heterosexual Christian male, too; but unlike most white, heterosexual Christian males, my Christianity doesn't prevent me from loving people who are not like me" spiel.
His words (translated by me):
Other humans exist. They aren't white. They aren't Christian. They aren't heterosexual. Humans. My fellow humans. But there are those who scorn the non-white, the non-Christian, the non-heterosexual - and speak of them contemptuously. And their actions mirror these attitudes. They harm these people, beat them, persecute them, and kill them. I find all of this horrifying. In my view all of it amounts to a crime against humanity, humanism, and Christianity.
The kind of world I would like to have is one in which people will be cared for and feel safe, not just because they are white, Christian, and heterosexual, but because they are human beings. And this is the most important thing.
I don't believe any explicit commentary is necessary, but, among other questions, I would like to ask Mr. Gyurcsány where he kept these noble sentiments over the past two decades when mostly non-white Christians were being harmed, beaten, persecuted, and killed in the Middle East and northern Africa.
In any case, we know the drill. Christians are the oppressors and the intolerant bigots. No one is expected to embrace anything remotely pro-Christian, pro-heterosexual, or pro-native European in the West. On the contrary, people are encouraged to flaunt and promote everything that is anti-Christian, anti-heterosexual, and anti-native European (which is essentially what Niedermüller's original 'scary formation/construction' about family boils down to).
Conversely, native-European, heterosexual Christians are expected to enthusiastically embrace, support, and love everything that actively works against them and their faith for the sake of humanity because that is what defines a good, native-European, heterosexual Christian.
The sad thing is, most native-European, heterosexual Christians already have embraced all of that. And by doing so, they have elevated the leftist idol of humanity above everything else.
Oh, the idolatry . . . I mean, humanity!