The funny thing about Soros is he almost always spells out his intentions exactly. Though his messages are often marinated in lies, half truths, trendy socio-political adjectives, and benevolent sounding noun phrases, the underlying intentions he expresses within these appealing word salads are fairly straightforward. But it seems most people fail to grasp the obvious.
Zoltán Kovács, a spokesperson for the Hungarian government, made an interesting observation about this on his official blog yesterday. Kovács writes:
"As we’ve said before, the international media and advocates of globalism enjoy referring to Mr. Soros as a “philanthropist” engaged in “charitable giving.” But all you really have to do is listen to Soros himself. He’s pretty clear about his determination to push his open society agenda."
It should be that easy, but it doesn't seem like too many people are all that interested in really listening to what Soros actually says. This turns something that should be easy into something that inevitably becomes very difficult.