Which side are you on?
The catalyst driving this year of recognition and acknowledgment was the birdemic; for the simple reason the birdemic was the catalyst through which the Establishment successfully pulled off its stunningly successful global coup in the early spring of 2020. With the massive fraud perpetrated during the recent US presidential election - which resulted in the barbed wire inauguration of a career Establishment figure who emerged from the "election" with the notable distinction of "most votes ever cast for a presidential candidate" - the global authority has cemented its grip on the world.
The US election proved to be a watershed moment for many. Unfortunately, this delayed realization of the global authority now ruling the world has, thus far, amounted to little more than the recognition of a fait accompli - the fix appears to be in, and for the time being, there doesn't seem to be much anyone can do about it.
If 2020 was about the point, then 2021 will be all about trust. To drive this home, the global authority is eager to have all of its "global citizens" forget 2020 and focus instead on a glorious Great Reset future. That's right. Despite everything, the technocratic tyrants that now rule the world are promising brighter days ahead, but securing these brighter days requires trust.
Yes, the global authority is keen to build trust in the world. In fact, they're making trust the central theme of their upcoming Davos Agenda 2021 Week scheduled for January 25-29.
Citing 2021 as "A Crucial Year To Rebuild Trust", the Davos crowd is currently referring to trust as "the glue of a healthy society". Not only is trust a wonderful, fix-all superglue, it is also, fittingly enough, "contagious":
When governments and the market have earned the trust of citizens, that trust tends to spill over to create greater trust in society as a whole, among individuals and groups. Simply put, trust is contagious.
Now is the moment for us to work together in uncommon alliances, across business, philanthropy, government, and civil society, toward achieving our common goal: spreading the most valuable currency for sparking and sustaining broad-based prosperity - trust.
To willingly answer this "crucial" call to trust in 2021 is to willingly answer the call to eternal self-damnation.
Think and act accordingly.