Yes, I have had Christians of various stripes and denominations explain the concepts to me, and I understand that the fear of God actually refers to being in a state of reverent awe of his majesty and power -- a reverent awe that should inspire us to submit to His omnipotence in complete obedience.
I have also listened to Christians elucidate on the reality of hell and God's divine judgement whenever the subject of fearing God comes up.
I get all that. At the same time, I don't get it at all. More precisely, I understand the reasoning, but I have never experienced the *reality* of the reasoning.
I don't believe God wants people to spend the bulk of their mortal lives marveling at his majesty and greatness. I don't believe God works to hold people in fear and terror. I don't believe God desires that man experience any sort of shrinking in His presence -- at least not spiritually.
My intuition informs me that fear and awe are rarely good advisors and that overcoming existential and spiritual fear should be primary goals in mortal life for the simple reason that this overcoming is what *really* brings us into harmony with God.
Note added: Terms like Holy Horror and Holy Dread also strike me as blatantly oxymoronic, incongruous, and paradoxical -- but not in the "hey, it's a Holy Mystery" sort of way.