Love trumps hate seems to be the battle cry of those protesting against the outcome of the democratic election of Trump. I can understand how some can construe the many inflammatory thoughts Trump expressed during the campaign as hate speech; this becomes especially comprehensible when one realizes that anything that falls outside the current liberal mantra can be interpreted as hate speech even if it may not be. Yet, I am at a loss to understand the logic of the whole love trumps hate thing. Some stray thoughts on the matter:
- Like "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength," Love Trumps Hate strikes me as an Orwellian statement par excellence. Like the Party in 1984, the modern global elite have succeeded in brainwashing a sizable segment of the population into believing whatever idiocy it promotes and, just as the Party in 1984, it has managed to trick people into accepting illogical and contrary statements through the notion that belief in such slogans makes one an honorable and respectable citizen, while rejecting them or merely questioning them is seen as a thought crime that reveals one to be deplorable and criminal. This is why the rioters taking to the street all over the world think so extremely highly of themselves while they smash shit up, burn American flags, and protest what appears to have been a fair democratic election . . . you know, that thing they respect so much?
- Sure, Trump supporters would have probably protested a Clinton win as well, but I imagine the protests would have been covered from an entirely different perspective with an entirely different voacabulary.
- Despite assurances from enraged and fearful liberals the world over, Trump is no Hitler. I also doubt he is rabidly racist. His views of women may not conform to today's ultrasensitive standards, but he is by no means a fire-breathing misongynist intent on winding back the clock on women's rights. I strongly doubt he truly cares about the abortion issue enough to change it in any way. His utterances about minorities and Muslims in particular were spoken on the campaign trail and are likely hyperbolic. He may increase the vetting of refugees and immigrants from the Middle East and other trouble spots around the world and deport some illegals here and there (and he would be well within his right to do both of these things) but the mass deportations will not happen.
- Trump is an egoist. Perhaps even a megalomaniac. He has money and he has fame. All he needs to score the hat-trick of greatness is power. Well now, against seemingly overwhelming odds, he has secured that too, but I do not think he will wield it in some neo-fascist fashion. Trump strikes me as an individual interested in securing a legacy for himself - a positive legacy. This means he will certainly not, despite all the fear of the contrary, go full-tilt right wing fascist during his presidency. He is a populist and will most likely initiate a centrist agenda. For God's sake, the man is a former playboy socialite. He is, at the core, a social liberal. He will not attack gay rights or do anything that might be detrimental to minorities who are citizens. He may, however, put some obstacles in the path of further globalization. This is what truly bothers the elite, not the racism, sexism, or xenophobia Trump purportedly represtents. For the elite, anti-racism, anti-sexism, and anti-xenophobia have become a means through which to push their globablist apsirations in the West. They are the weapons with which they censor and repress their opposition and enslave oblivious PC do-gooders into thinking they are supporting something noble and admirable when in actual fact they indirectly support something that is slowly killing them and every culture and economy in every culture in the world that has been attacked through these means. It is worth noting they do not employ these tactics with some of their less progressive partners in the Middle East. It is also noteworthy that the racism, sexism, and xenophobia inherent in some of the countries of these strategic partners also do not enrage the global elite at all.
- Think about it for a minute. What is the love that Hillary Clinton and the rest of the global elite espouses? Beyond the words and sentiments they express, how are their ideas any better than what Trump promulgates? Clinton is a corporatist, globalist, neo-liberal shill saber-rattler who threatened a return to the cold war. During the campaign she chanted the liberal progressive mantra, but her actions demonstrate that she did not truly give a rat's ass about the progressive goobledygook. Look at how she undermined Bernie Sanders. How loving was it to destabilize Libya, for example? What about the love she planned to unleash in Syria or the money she took from loving progressive regimes in places like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, countries that, incidentally, have been revealed through Wikileaks to be major funders of ISIS. Referrring to Trump supporters as a basket of deplorables was certainly loving as was her practice of paying female employees of the Clinton foundation less than male employees. I could go on and on. Suffice it to say, warm, fuzzy notions aside, I did not detect too much actual "love" in Clinton or her party, nor do I see much love in the crazed rioters running rampant in cities across the US.