While I could comprehend why a ruling elite hellbent on totalitarianism might attempt to implement such a measure, I didn't believe the kinds of conditions that would make such an obviously tyrannical and intrusive program viable could ever manifest in the world. In other words, I didn't believe the circumstances that would allow the Establishment to convince the general population to freely submit to the necessity of microchipping could ever come about.
Well, I don't wish to alarm anyone, but the circumstances required to make the microchipped population conspiracy theory attainable are currently in play.
So strap on your tin foil hats and humor me as I indulge in a little speculative conspiracy theorizing for your reading pleasure.
Before I wade into it all, I must make it known right at the start that I place myself among those who firmly believe that the Establishment is using the current birdemic lockdown as a means through which it can advance its totalitarian takeover. Simply put, this is a power grab. The Establishment seeks to further enslave its citizenry. I don't know how it will unfold exactly, but I am certain that when it is all over, they will have become far more powerful and we will have become far more powerless. I also must make it known that I view everything happening now from a primarily spiritual perspective - that is, I am more interested in the spiritual ramifications of material events than I am in the purely material aspects of these events themselves.
With that out of the way, let's focus on the topic at hand. As I mentioned above, I never gave the microchipped population theory much consideration in the past because I could not imagine circumstances that would allow for a successful and unresisted implementation of such a blatantly intrusive and dictatorial measure. Well, the birdemic has changed all of that. Now I'm not implying that microchipping will happen - I am merely pointing out that the circumstances that would allow for the implementation of such a program are currently unfolding all around us.
Those who promulgate the microchip theory claim the Establishment will employ the technology essentially as a means of enslavement and control via micro-surveillance. The basics of this theory are the following: each person will have an unremovable chip planted somewhere in their body; this chip will serve mostly as a tracking device; the chip will also be able to spy on individuals (hear conversations or see a person's surroundings); the chip will also collect data about a person's mood, health, habits, etc.; the chip will serve as a cashless payment device which will be the only way people can buy or sell goods or receive payment for work; the chip can also be altered and deactivated, thereby changing or nullifying an individual's ability to interact with the larger network; the chip could also be used to end someone's life; and so forth.
In essence, a microchipped population would be somewhat of a living paradox. Though it would appear free on the surface, it would actually be the most monitored and unfree population that has ever existed because practically all of its movements and actions would be tracked, traced, and, potentially, influenced. It would basically be a population of prison-free prisoners.
Of course for the average person in the general population, none of this sounds appealing or desirable. This immediately raises a question. What could possibly motivate people to freely, perhaps even gladly, submit to such a clearly tyrannical program were it ever attempted? In the following, I offer some points that could be applied to our current situation.
Health and Welfare
- a chip could offer a means through which an individual's health could be monitored, both by the System and by the individual in question.
- infections or contagious diseases could be quickly identified making quarantines and other public health measures more effective and less disruptive, making the likelihood of future birdemic plagues slim.
- a chip could also monitor other everyday health issues and greatly improve everyone's general health and life expectancy.
- chips could provide screening possibilities for entering buildings or participating in public events of all sorts. Those with detected illnesses would not be admitted thereby guaranteeing "healthy, safe spaces" where those present can enjoy their time without having to worry about catching viruses or bacteria.
- chips would provide a means through which parents could very closely monitor the health of their children. The health of other loved ones could also be easily accessed.
- chips could also prevent the spread of other diseases. For example, sexual partners would be able to scan each others chips for signs of sexually-transmitted diseases, etc.
Safety and Security
- microchips could greatly reduce crime and improve law enforcement.
- monitoring movements could prevent terrorism and mass death events.
- peace of mind through the tracking of children and other loved ones.
Finance and Economics
- a microchip could serve as a cashless payment method, eliminating the need for cash which, as the birdemic is apparently proving, is a catalyst for the spread of germs.
- tax fraud and other financial crimes would become virtually impossible.
- robberies and muggings would decline.
- microchip finance would spread greater equality around the world by lessening the discrepancies among various currencies/economies.
I could list many more potential 'benefits' of microchipping, but for the sake of brevity, I'll end the list there. I imagine these apparent benefits alone might persuade some portions of the population into accepting microchipping even during the best of times, but I suspect the majority would still oppose the idea despite the apparent advantages it offers.
And I assume this is why the Establishment has not made any major attempts to push this agenda through in any meaningful way yet. But current events could provide the catalyst the Establishment needs to successfully push microchipping onto the general population (if that is, indeed, one of the Establishment's aims). The ploy probably would not work in generally good conditions, but they just might work if the deteriorating conditions currently developing become bad enough.
How? Well, the old saying 'desperate times call for desperate measures' immediately springs to mind. If the Establishments succeeds in exploiting the current chaos to its own advantage, it could succeed in making people desperate enough to accept microchipping as a viable relief/survival measure. It could also exploit the deteriorating conditions currently at play to reset their System in such a manner that would make mandatory microchipping a necessity in order to participate in the System.
The considerations listed above and general altruistic/welfare considerations aside, assume the Establishment makes microchipping a prerequisite for the common things that form the foundation of everyday life. In other words, the Establishment retools its System in such a way that it would be impossible for individuals to attend school, find employment, obtain or make payments, receive healthcare, travel, get married, join organizations, etc., unless they were microchipped. What then?
And what if the Establishment manages to foment conditions via some sort of partial or complete financial and economic collapse that would make microchipping not only tenable, but practically unavoidable for anyone wishing to restart their lives or improve their individual circumstances? What then?
Until quite recently, I categorized myself among those who believed microchipping as a means of bureaucratic, totalitarian population control could never happen. Yet until quite recently, I also believed the total economic shutdown of the world over a virus scare could also never happen. Nor would I have given much credence to notions like international lockdowns and social distancing - but these things have become realities - realities we are all currently living through. In light of these developments, a microchipped population for the express purpose of Ahrimanic control is no longer inconceivable in my mind.
Once again, I am not suggesting this will happen. I am merely pointing out that the conditions for this sort of totalitarian micro-surveillance have been set in motion and are currently evolving.
Okay, thank you for indulging me.
We can all take off our tin foil hats now and return to lockdown mode. I'm sure none of this will come to fruition and everything will be back to normal in two or three weeks time.
If it isn't, it wouldn't hurt anyone to keep this microchipping thing in the back of our minds - just in case.