My primary reason for setting up this website and blog was to build a platform for my self-published novel. Originally, I intended to use the blog to promote the novel and my writing, and for the first couple of years, I focused almost exclusively on writing-related themes like self-publishing, creativity, editing, and book marketing.
As the years passed, I occasionally dabbled into politics and social criticism by writing vitriolic rants railing against some political or cultural event or other, but I had no overall motivation to become a full-time political blogger or social critic back then. Hence, those kinds of posts appeared in fits and starts and were often followed by extensive periods of silence.
Every now and then I wrote about writers and thinkers I admire (or had admired), but my experience doing this has often inspired regret (see the Jordan Peterson posts in this blog for cringeworthy examples of this).
There were times I approached the blog with the cold calculation of a marketer, writing posts I hoped might get views or trend online in some fashion. I regard these posts as my worst and most regrettable as they are both ingratiating and insincere.
In retrospect, it is painfully obvious that I never possessed any clear notions concerning the nature of this blog, which is why it is literally been nothing more than a series of false starts.
Over the past six months, I have contemplated abandoning the blog altogether, but something prevents me from doing so. Though I doubt it will lead to much, I have instead decided continuing the blog, but only after I establishing a clear sense of purpose.
What is this purpose?
Truth. Beauty. Goodness.
The posts following this one will focus almost exclusively on the transcendentals.