For me, the constricting world is the "given world" of practically every "macro" aspect of the System - politics, economics, society, culture, business, etc., as well as a great deal of "micro", temporal, System-related things such as shrinking personal liberty, restricted freedom of movement, a constant barrage of curtailment measures, etc.
Simply put, I have witnessed and experienced an undeniable contraction of the temporal world over the past year. Limiting, restricting, narrowing forces now rule this world. I feel the choking, strangling, squeezing pressure every time I spend any time in public. Everywhere I look, I see the external condensing, compacting, and compressing. What was once relatively fluid and free has since become coagulated and devitalized. The external, material world has been successfully objectified.
The expanding world consists of the created world - the awareness of the world within the world that contains the world entire; the living, breathing microcosm that holds the living, created macrocosm juxtaposed against the stultifying macrocosm of the "given" world. Expanding, growing, liberating forces move the created world. I feel the enlarging, developing, enticing force every time I succeed in seeing the world through the eyes of God. What was devitalized and frozen is suddenly energized and emancipated. The created world remains free and accessible to all who want it, but it requires subjects, not objects.
The constricting world is the tug of non-Being; the expanding world is the call of the Divine.
It really is that simple.