The daily aspect reflects the trust and faith in God’s ability and motivation to provide each individual with what they need each and every day. Since man cannot live by bread alone, God’s provisions also include things required to sustain us spiritually and help us prepare for life everlasting – once again, on a daily basis.
At the most fundamental level, the appeal for daily bread is an appeal for God to grant us the things that not only sustain us but also benefit us day-to-day, particularly from a spiritual perspective.
The Lord’s Prayer makes no mention of butter. One hopes that Christians recognize which side of the daily bread provides for their spiritual benefit, on which side they can find all that is spiritually helpful, and on which side they should invest their energies.
Knowing the buttered side of the bread from a spiritual perspective is about knowing what thoughts to think and what actions to take to remain or advance in a favorable spiritual situation or to avoid a bad one. The buttered side also inevitably entails knowing whom to please.
Christians often conflate spiritual benefits with purely material ones, leading to choices that provide material advantages at the expense of spiritual needs and benefits.
As with everything else, the buttered side of the bread boils down to motivation and its consequent choices.
This does not entail that material benefits and spiritual benefits are incompatible. Material benefits and spiritual benefits can be compatible and often are. If we are honest, such benefits will appear together as butter on one side of the bread.
It’s when the bread appears buttered on both sides that choices need to be made.
Note: Everyone know that when bread falls, it tends to land on the buttered side – an expression of pessimism par excellence. However, it could also point to the entropy inherent in this world. With this in mind, I suspect the kind of butter that hits the floor makes all the difference in the end.