Though I have written many blog posts commenting on the utilization of the peck as a weapon of totalitarian evil, I have more or less avoided thorough examinations of the peck's real and potential side effects for the simple reason that there are enough people out there doing that already.
My aversion to writing detailed posts about peck consequences also stems from my ever increasing mistrust of information sources -- and yes, this mistrust extends to most alternative and dissident sources as well.
I am not implying that these sources are necessarily dishonest or unprincipled, but I suspect the information they provide is often just as skewed and distorted as the nonsense the System media pumps into the world around the clock.
Overall, I have kept my assessment of peck consequences limited to personal experience -- more specifically, to what I have observed in the little part of the world that surrounds me and with which I interact daily.
And when I say observe, I mean observe. I haven't actively pursued the matter. I haven't asked any questions. I have simply kept my eyes open and have listened to the stories people have freely shared with me.
Based on that, I can report the following in connection with the peck (this covers a period of about a year and a "sample" of roughly seven hundred people from varying age groups):
- one case of sudden "inexplicable" death
- about fifty percent of the pecked experienced mild side effects, which include dizziness, heart palpitations, stiffness, etc.
- nearly all of the people who suffered mild side effects connect the side effects to the peck
- about ten percent of the pecked I know have experienced serious side effects, most of which have been heart or blood related
- barely anyone in the serious side effects group connects the ailments to the peck
- most of the pecked who suffered minor or major side effects appear to have recovered
- about thirty of the seven hundred people, roughly five percent, continue to experience strange problems like bleeding arm pits(!), blood clots, menstrual issues, heart complaints, high blood pressure, shingles, etc.
- about ninety percent of the seven hundred have contracted the birdemic bug despite being double or triple pecked
I don't wish to draw any definitive conclusions concerning the health consequences of the peck, but from what I have been able to passively gather in my own little corner of the world, the peck is proving to be:
a) completely useless
b) very far from entirely safe
I can't say I'm surprised.