Back in December of last year, I speculated on a potential development that I termed "The Great Lockout":
If the Great Lockdown served to suspend society, the Great Lockout will become the proposed lifting of this suspension. Put another way, lockdowns were meant to push people out and away from a frozen society; lockouts will seek to thaw society and pull people back in. But this pull factor will come with conditions, and it is through these conditions that the Establishment will not only maintain its iron grip of control, but increase it.
At the present time it appears magical medical juice will be the linchpin that keeps the totalitarian wheel spinning. Yes, the world can be your oyster again, but only if you take the magical medical juice and adhere to all the complex and intrusive bureaucratic and surveillance mechanisms installed to support it. Do that you, and the Establishment will ensure you are "locked into" the System.
Don't want the magical medical juice? No problem, but refusal will guarantee you are "locked out" of the system. You can then proceed to live the isolated and solitary life of a clam.
Given a choice like that, how many people will choose to be locked in rather than locked out?
It does not take an ocean of imagination to realize how quickly and easily the Establishment could effectively lock individuals in or out of the System. It also does not take a great deal of perspicacity to notice that the preliminary groundwork for a lock-in/lockout system is already in place. Whether or not the Great Lockout will be fully implemented remains to be seen, but many developments in the world today point in that direction. Whatever the case, the Establishment wants to ensure the lock remains in place.
The Great Lockout is currently in full swing around the world. In some places, the unpecked are prohibited from entering cafés, restaurants, theaters, etc. Other countries have taken the lockout a step further by denying the unpecked access to employment, education, even healthcare. Peck mandates are popping up all over the place. The demons behind the peck mandates must really love The Godfather films because the mandates essentially present the unpecked with "offers they can't refuse."
Get pecked or get fired. Get pecked or get out of university. Get pecked or the doctor will refuse to see you. Get pecked or we'll make you pay. And so on.
Being confronted with an "offer you can't refuse" is distressing, particularly if the offer in question jeopardizes your ability to earn money, pursue your ambitions, or feed your family. I do not consider it hyperbole to label this kind of demonic pressure an ordeal.
When confronted with potential ordeals, we tend to imagine them as prolonged, seemingly endless affairs, but experience shows us that this is usually not the case.
For example, a few months ago I lived through a lockout here in Hungary. The Hungarian government was one of the first to implement segregation measures against the unpecked and as spring unfolded and the weather began to improve, the government unexpectedly decreed that all unpecked people would be barred from practically everything but essential services. This turned out to be quite the ordeal for some, and they quickly gave in to the offer they thought they couldn't refuse and ran out and got pecked.
Four or five weeks later, the Hungarian government unceremoniously canceled the segregation measures against the unpecked. Suddenly the pecked and unpecked were on equal terms again. Surrendering to the demonic pressure had bought the "pressured into the peck" people five weeks of "freedom and privilege." Nothing more.
Of course, I'm not suggesting that the same thing will happen with every "offer that can't be refused", but my experience demonstrates that it can and does happen. Nevertheless, you only really benefit (that's probably not the right word, but hopefully you get what I mean) if you find a way to refuse the offer that can't be refused.
I'm not one for giving advice. Everyone is responsible for himself and herself. We all have our own choices to make. But I will say this - if you are subjected to demonic pressure during which you are made an offer you seemingly can't refuse, then I humbly suggest doing everything in your power to find a way to refuse. At the very least, find a way to delay.
The end of that seemingly never-ending ordeal may be just around the corner.