This is particularly relevant to any "step back" the System disseminates and promotes through its media. Any sudden media blitz that overtly criticizes, scrutinizes, re-evaluates, or condemns a System apparatchik should be treated with caution and suspicion. More often than not, all such media campaigns do is offer false beacons of hope.
When the System hangs one of its own out to dry, it does so primarily to maintain or rebuild the public's trust in the System itself. When the System puts one of its own in a difficult or vulnerable situation, it is working to persuade the public that, despite everything, the System remains a force for good - that it is and will actively deal with its corrupt and reprehensible elements whenever and wherever it happens to find them. These sorts of campaigns - broadcast far and wide and splashed across the System's ubiquitous media - are meant to instill a sense of justice being served. They are meant to comfort. They are meant to re-cajole complacency.
In reality, the apparatchiks the System publicly hangs out to dry - be they CEOs, politicians, academics, celebrities, royalty, artists, or whatever - may be nothing more than voluntary or involuntary scapegoats and fall guys.
If they are voluntary scapegoats, they are rewarded handsomely for the manufactured ordeals to which they agree to subject themselves. If they are involuntary scapegoats, the System will simply and unceremoniously throw them under the bus. Either way, the System's fall guys serve the same purpose all fall guys do - they deflect blame, become focal points for pent up anger and outrage, and grant the protected party - in this case the System itself - an immense advantage.
Unlike conventional fall guys, the System's scapegoats are hardly innocent or blameless, but their part in the System's actual corruption is often far smaller than the blame the System eventually heaps on them.
Hence, a state governor's stupid and evil birdemic decisions within the confines of his own little part of the world becomes a dumping ground for all national outrage and anger about the birdemic. The governor takes some heat, perhaps resigns, and the public feels a sense of relief at justice being served.
In the meantime, the System ramps up and implements its newest birdemic measures - or whatever else it has in store to ensure the continued advancement of evil, slavery, and soul damnation - and takes two steps forward, leaving the public in a much worse situation than it was before the "scandal" broke and "justice" was served.
The System can afford to throw any of its "assets" under the bus at any given time, and I'm sure we'll see many individuals or entities being steamrolled by buses in the coming weeks/months/years.
As detailed above, some of this will be simple fall guy stuff, be it voluntary or involuntary. At other times, the "victims" might be casualties of infighting, position-jockeying, or in-System, low-level warfare. Ultimately, the demonic intelligence behind the System aims to throw everyone under the bus, including its own servants.
Whatever the case, we should not be surprised by any of it. And we certainly must not regard such things as signs that the System is inherently good; nor should we believe such actions to be proof systemic reform.
All such hopes must be abandoned. The only hope the System can offer now is false hope.
Real hope exists solely outside of and beyond the System, which is why system-distancing is so important.