"Inclusion" means everyone and everything must be fully incorporated into the System. No one is allowed to be excluded or even marginal. The excluded must be included, the marginal must be redefined as central. There's a classic cartoon-villain term for this goal: taking over the world.
As I reread these lines, the word "incorporated" stood out, particularly against the backdrop of the successful global totalitarian "taking over of the world" that occurred in 2020.
It dawned on me that corporations are at the core of the global totalitarian takeover. Corporations not only spearheaded the coup and implemented the new regime in 2020, but also continue to serve on the front lines as the primary force of integrating everything and everyone into the System.
Well before the birdemic coup, I wrote a post in which I noted that corporations exist to incorporate:
Nearly all corporations are part of the System, and they operate under the banner of a clearly understood Agenda. The primary operational goal of nearly all corporations is to combine and assimilate countries, societies, and communities into a unified whole under the flag of world government. My definition of a corporation is rather extensive and includes most non-profit groups, NGOS, municipalities, charities, political organizations, and other apparently non-corporate entities because, regardless of legal status and structure, most modern organizations operate under a conventional corporate framework, and nearly all of these organizations work diligently to incorporate everything into the existing System.
I wrote the above lines in 2019. As of 2021, I would add the following corrections:
- all corporations, especially the big ones, are now firmly a part of the System
- corporations have succeeded in ushering in their objective of establishing a de facto one-world government/global totalitarian control
- corporations will continue in their objective of incorporating everything and everyone into the System until "all System, all the time" becomes the default setting for the world
- corporations are, without a doubt, embodiments of evil
- corporations are the primary vehicles of demonic control in the world
- the despiritualized consciousness of modern people stems largely from corporate consciousness
In another post from 2019, I explored the idea of corporations of embodiments of evil (bold added):
Corporations are legal entities that are separate and distinct from their owners. Corporations enjoy the same rights, responsibilities, and privileges individuals supposedly do in Western societies – they can enter into contracts, lend and borrow money, take legal action and have legal action taken against them, own assets, assume liabilities, and file taxes. Corporations are literally considered physical manifestations – that is, as tangible and visible entities representing an idea or quality.
As physical manifestations, corporations are bodies (from the Latin, corpus). They are incarnated beings (from the Latin, carne meaning flesh). But what exactly has been given a body? At the metaphysical level, they can easily be confused with human beings, save for a few distinct differences. Human beings are incarnations of the Divine; we are the spirit made flesh. Corporations are incarnations of the Mundane; they are the temporal made flesh.
This brings forth another distinct difference – human beings have a “body” presence in the world – we possess actual flesh. A corporation’s “body” presence is purely legalistic; it possesses no real flesh, no actual body. Perhaps one way to think about corporations is this – they are the embodiment of the Luceferic within the Ahrimanic. The fuel driving corporate ambitions (and the ambitions of The System corporations serve) is white hot, frenzied, and passionate in nature, but the means of achieving these ambitions are cold, crushing, and technocratic.
Corporations are also lopsided mockeries of Divine Creation. Everything within Divine Creation possesses a spiritual element, but corporations lack this attribute. They are purely material beings. Spiritless. Soul-less. The soullessness of corporations helps explain why they are the System’s weapon of choice in its war against Divine Creation. Entities possessing souls (corporate owners and employees) can hide behind the façade of a soulless entity and manipulate the soulless entity into completing the most soulless of tasks and goals. This helps diminish notions of wrongdoing and also aids in the alleviation of personal responsibility.
Corporations are purely “abstract” material entities driven by purely material motivations. They exist in the physical and exist to serve the physical. They lack a metaphysical dimension, and as such are unconcerned with metaphysical realities or assumptions. Corporations do not care about eternal life in the spiritual sense – they seek eternal life in this world, and they are more than willing to sacrifice or assimilate themselves into The System in order to make that happen. The soullessness of corporations make them the perfect vehicle for the implementation of evil, which is what most corporations today are – this despite the good they might be doing in the world, actual or perceived.
Perhaps it is wrong to claim corporations lack metaphysical qualities or dimensions because The System corporations serve is fundamentally focused on the metaphysical - opposing and subverting Goodness, Beauty, and Truth. The System is interested in the Damnation Game and uses corporations to achieve its aims. However, I am uncertain how 'aware' individual corporations are of the System's explicit aim. To some extent, I assume they must be, but I doubt this in interpreted in an explicitly metaphysical sense, but rather somewhat obscured behind the veil of "doing business." Then again, it is conceivable that the directors of any given corporation are, in fact, completely 'in' on the game as it were.
Countless books and articles have been written about the harmful motivations and influences of corporations, but as far as I can tell, very little, if any, of the existing "literature" has addressed the spiritual implications of corporations "incorporating" everyone and everything into the System.
Reflecting upon the excerpt above, I have arrived at the tentative conclusion that corporations are not in fact "incarnated beings", but rather incarnations of non-being.
The essence of Creation is the establishment of relationships between beings. Since all beings possess a spiritual element, the meaning and purpose behind Creation are formed by the interactions and relationships of spiritual beings. Corporations are basically incarnated non-beings; more specifically, they are represent the physical manifestation of the idea or quality of non-being - or the idea or quality of being opposed to "being." Thus, the relationship between a human being and a corporation is fundamentally a relationship between a being and a non-being, which in and of itself is a massive inversion of the Divine.
Writers, thinkers, and bloggers occasionally explore the possibility of demons incarnating within some form of machinery or technology, but I posit that if evidence of demonic incarnation is to be found anywhere it will be found within the concept of the corporation. I am not implying that demons physically reside within corporate machinery and assets - rather that the demonic have successfully utilized the corporate framework to provide the quality of non-being a physical, material "presence" in the world.
The objective of incorporating everyone and everything to the System can thus be interpreted spiritually as incorporating all beings into the state of non-being. More precisely, of incorporating all beings into the side that is actively and willingly opposed to God and Creation. This is accomplished primarily through the process of despiritualization, which focuses on persuading beings to abandon their spiritual natures and willingly join the side of non-being through which they readily become susceptible to the forces of evil - the direct opposition to God that leads to the eventual privation of being and soul damnation.
The bulk of what I have just written is speculative in nature - especially the parts about non-being - but there is no denying that corporations have been a major cause of the spiritual devastation we have experienced in the past five centuries. I am not implying that corporations provided nothing good, but over the past two hundred years or so they have very clearly become the driving engines of leftism, materialism, and atheism. Moreover, they have clearly been utilized to install our current oppressive totalitarian reality, which is completely rooted in leftism, materialism, and atheism.
The success of the corporation as the enabler of global totalitarianism is readily apparent in the contemporary concept of the public-private partnership, a convenient arrangement that fuses corporate power with political power and economic power, thereby creating a governing body that is "of the System, by the System, for the System." I would add that since 2020, this public-private partnership model is diligently attempting to create a temporal "reality" based on the idea of "nothing but the System" or "all System, all the time", which is just another way of saying total worldly enslavement to (or inclusion in) the side that is opposed to God.
Defenders of corporations and the corporate model will likely scoff at everything I have noted above and be quick to point to all the material benefits corporations have provided for the world, but I would counter that material benefits cannot always be equated with spiritual benefits. On the contrary, many of the irrefutable material benefits corporations provide have caused and continue to cause incalculable spiritual harm. This applies to everything from rabid consumerism to plain old covetousness.
In addition to this, corporations are quickly and willingly abandoning their traditional and conventional roles as providers of material goods and enablers of shareholder profits and assuming new roles as dictatorial imposers of The Big Evil Lies agenda.
Corporations are the leading force behind the major Litmus Test issues of the climate crisis, anti-racism, the continuing sexual revolution, and, of course, the birdemic. Under the banner of corporate social responsibility - which, fittingly enough, rarely if ever, includes the honest responsibility of paying taxes - corporations the world over have shifted their focus from pushing products to pushing the anti-God agenda, which inevitably involves participation in the dissemination of anything and everything that is harmful, ineffective, and unnecessary. As a result, corporations have completely undermined the very foundations from which they were formed - science, economics, society, health, art, and all the rest of it.
Having touched upon all of the above, it is worth noting that the greatest harm corporations and the corporate model have inflicted upon humanity is the harm it has inflicted upon human consciousness, that is, upon human thinking.
When you speak to modern people today, you are essentially speaking to extensions of the corporate mindset, which is firmly atheistic, materialistic, and leftist. In fact, most modern people have become utterly incapable of thinking beyond the limits established by corporations.
By turning their backs on God and Creation, moderns have forfeited the spiritual resources needed to resist the external forces and pressure generated by corporations. On top of that, they struggle to make sense of the world beyond the boundaries of the corporate model. Simply put, most contemporary people have lost the ability to think outside of or beyond the System, which is exactly where the System wants contemporary people to be in terms of thinking.
Incorporating everyone and everything into the System is a war aim. More precisely, it is a spiritual war aim - an aim in which corporations serve and function as the main forces of advancement.
Welcome to the world of Evil Incorporated.