The authors of some of these blogs promote themselves as rational, logical, clear-thinking individuals. As such, they tended to apply a "fair and balanced" approach to the birdemic and the peck. Needless to say, the fair and balanced posts written from 2020-2022 have not aged well, which immediately draws the reason, logic, and clear thinking of such authors into question.
The problem with fair and balanced is not about being right or wrong. No blogger or writer I know has ever been or will ever be one hundred percent right about everything, particularly not concerning predictions, conjectures, and speculations; the problem lies instead in the fatal belief that System communications and narratives deserve fair and balanced assessments and interpretations and the even more tragic certitude that such fair and balanced deliberation and argumentation somehow draws both writer and reader closer to the truth.
Fair and balanced thinkers and writers appear oblivious to the true nature and underlying goal of System communications and narratives, which inevitably always boil down to one thing – manipulation.
When you hear a politician speak, or read a press release or a media headline; you are not dealing with an attempt to communicate the truth about reality; you are dealing with language as calculated manipulation ('language' here including visual, symbolic, audio and other media).
Manipulation is language intended to shape attitudes, thought-processes and actions.
I can think of only two reasons why writers and thinkers would choose to apply fair and balanced perspectives to System communications:
They are oblivious to the lies, propaganda, and manipulation inherent in System communications, or they employ the fair and balanced approach to System lies to obfuscate or rationalize their own personal insincerity and manipulative calculations.
Neither puts fair and balanced writers and thinkers in a favorable light. The reason, logic, and clear thinking of the former are ultimately questionable, while the motivations of the latter are immediately suspect.
Fatal ignorance and dubious motivations aside, writers and thinkers who were fair and balanced about things like the birdemic and the peck campaign actively expanded the lies and manipulation, irrespective of intentions.
By willingly attempting to engage in truthful discourse with known liars who are peddling zero information:
The correct inference concerning any specific communication from The System is therefore, quite simply, that: System statements contain zero information.
Yet we are almost all of us guilty of trying to sift truth; when the reality is that public discourse contains zero information.
How do we fall into this trap? By attempting to have discourse with liars!
The fact is that all discourse assumes a basic truthfulness - therefore, if we have discourse with liars, we must already have decided that they are basically truthful.
And when 'they' are Not basically truthful - but instead are merely manipulating us - then we have been sucked into their world-of-lies.
We have been trapped-into interacting with zero information!
Therefore, we have-already-been sucked into the world of manipulative lies as soon as we engage in discourse with them!
Dr. Charlton notes that virtually everyone falls into the System trap of engaging in discourse, which makes sense when you consider that System communications are ubiquitous, practically unavoidable, and broadcast 24/7 via various media.
Add the masses, governments, and insititutions – who all serve as amplifiers of System communication and manipulation – to the mix, and it becomes evident how difficult disengaging from discourse can be.
That said, the fair and balanced crew of writers and thinkers remain among the most egregious of all discourse participants, primarily because they treat System communication as an opportunity for discourse, which is very different from recognizing the System-initiated attempts at discourse as untruthful, disingenuous, and manipulative – and simply and clearly stating as much.