Luciferic: passionate, selfish, reactive, emotional, lustful, tormented, short-term.
Ahrimanic: cold, controlling, systematic/bureaucratic, power-hungry, mid-to-long term.
Sorathic: purely negative, destructive, "cut off your nose to spite your face" evil
As Dr. Charlton has outlined in great detail on his Notions blog, the Global Establishment currently in control of the world are predominately characterized by Ahrmanic evil - the kind of evil that wishes to monitor, manage, and control all aspects of life. Ahrimanic evil aims to restrict, impose, govern, administer, and dominate every single facet of human society and the natural world.
Extremely alienated and opposed to God and Creation, Ahrimanic evil is a crushing, objectifying force that reduces the world to the realm of things and resources to be managed via legislation, tax codes, laws, restrictions, measures, plans, and agendas. This kind of evil can only make sense of the world through data, spreadsheets, research, inputs, outputs, outcomes, The Science, etc. At the same time, the inherent gross dishonesty and manipulation fueling Ahrimanic evil ensures the data it selects to propel its aims through its systems of control are rarely, if ever, aligned with basic common sense or a bare minimum adherence to some semblance of temporal reality.
Though it had been influential, perhaps even dominant for decades, the forces driving Ahrimanic evil through a cabal of public-private partnership technocrat and corporate/
government tyrants finally managed to seize control of the world during the largely unnoticed and unreported global totalitarian coup of 2020.
Evidence of this new level of control surfaced almost immediately through the sudden implementation of restrictive birdemic lockdown and social distancing measures and the concurrent and often inexplicable pushing of grandiose schemes like the Great Reset, UN 2030, the Green Agenda, all of which proposed to "fix" the many systemic problems the birdemic had unexpectedly exposed.
Marketed as completely necessary for the good of society and the planet, the Establishment's Ahrimanic totalitarian agendas are largely being fueled by the tenet of ESG Investing* - the shifting and reallocation of resources, capital flows, and societal infrastructure to achieve desired "good outcomes" in the areas of environment, social values, and governance.
The formula is a simple one - take the current System and completely restructure and reorganize it to entrench the wealth, status, and power of the totalitarian class while simultaneously rendering the remaining bulk of humanity to perpetual serfdom via surveillance, control, restrictions, laws, imposed poverty, etc.
At their very core, the totalitarian agendas amount to little more than a massive "control and scam" program, but the extended, long-term execution of the kind "control and scam" agenda Ahrimanic evil aims to install requires the construction and maintenance of extensive, efficient, and highly complex networks all integrated within a centrally controlled system. Many believe such a system already exists within the shifting infrastructure of the current System. At the same time, evidence to the contrary is also abundantly bobbing to the surface.
On the one hand, the long-term control and scam system the totalitarian technocrats envisage requires a high-level of human competence, prolonged "positive" motivation, abundant resources, cutting edge technological expertise, immense global co-operation, and so forth. On the other hand, the ESG aims behind Ahrimanic evil encourage hiring people according to race and gender rather than competence, alienate a fair number of competent people, undermine cutting edge technological research through "woke" ideologies, create disharmony and resentment among different groups of people, etc.
Oddly enough, none of this seems to faze the managers and technocrats among the Ahrimanic elite who very much appear to have fallen into the habit of "getting high off their own supply." Having utilized the 2020 coup to increase their power and wealth while simultaneously enslaving and impoverishing the majority of humanity, our new global totalitarian rulers are convinced that - with a few adjustments and overhauls here and there - they can maintain the crushing, tyrannical conditions they have imposed upon the world in perpetuity.
The Ahrimanic elite are so convinced of the imminent success of their control and scam agenda of "re-struction" that they have become blind to the potential forces of destruction. They wholeheartedly believe they can manage the demolition of the old System while simultaneously "building back better" via an upgraded, tyrannical system.
I don't know about you, but from what I have seen and experienced over the past year, I can quite confidently declare that Ahrimanic evil's plan to install a green, reset world based on "building back better" is destined to fail and is destined to fail hard. Not only that, it is likely to fail very quickly, as in months or a couple of years rather than decades as Dr. Charlton notes in the following taken from the linked post above:
We are incrementally making a world where nobody can do anything - including that nobody can implement a Great Reset.
How much can The System take before its self-correcting, negative-feedback mechanisms are themselves overwhelmed by this cancer of chaos?
Ahrimanic evil is motivated by the desire to bring negative order out of chaos, but the quality of Ahrimanic evil currently on display virtually ensures the failure of this aim. Instead of negative order, all it will succeed in bringing forth from the chaos is more chaos, and the essence of this added, unexpected chaos is the very essence of Sorath.
Whether this Sorathic element appears accidentally or emerges intentionally from hidden layers of power within the Ahrimanic elite remains to be seen. Either way, I suspect the full emergence of Sorath will trigger a genuine "aw, snap" and "damn!" moment among the Ahrimanic elite, the vast majority of whom will not only react to the explosion of destruction with horrified shock, but will be likewise horrified and shocked to learn that they are unable to halt the destruction once it explodes.
* ESG (Environment, Social Values, and Corporate Governance) is the latest of the Establishment's control and scam schemes. Set up as a series of metrics to determine how well a company adheres to the System's global environmental goals (reduced emissions, net zero carbon, carbon footprint, etc.), social value aims (diversity, inclusion, equity, anti-racism, women's rights, human rights, etc.), and corporate governance issues (transparency, business ethics, corruption, etc.), ESG is supposed to help investors determine which companies are "good" and which are "bad" according to the measurements listed above.
Companies with high ESG scores will attract ample investment from private and public equity, while companies with low ESG scores will be shunned, punished and, eventually, phased out. Many international bodies, corporations, and governments around the world have signed up for and are on board with the ESG program. Though it sounds innocuous, perhaps even "good" to the average person on the street, ESG metrics present major difficulties for key industries including fossil fuels, meat production and processing, chemicals, and so forth, to say nothing of the massive scam potential involved in these sorts of regulations. Yesterday, I posted a video in which UN special envoy Mark Carney discusses the implications of ESG investing in connection with climate change. Carney straight out says that it is "unforgivable" or companies not to adhere to ESG guidelines going forward and they would cease to exist if they did not comply.
Note added: "Aw, snap" and "damn!" are informal, slang phrases used to communicate surprise and shock when things go terribly, unexpectedly wrong or something shocking or overwhelming occurs. I first encountered the expressions in the real world when I worked as a high school teacher in the Bronx. Though I rarely use them myself, I think they both "work" as phrases.