"Attitudes are evolving. Folks are more relaxed now. Morals are going out the window. People are waking up to idea that there is no heaven up there. Heaven is down here and sex is the ticket. And governments love the shit we make. It keeps the citizenry docile and distracted, especially the men. And the women? Well, they like to read their porn, but we aren't writers, are we Billy?"
Keeping citizens docile and distracted has been a trademark of governments around the world since ancient times, which is why including the observation in my novel does not constitute an original insight on my part, but rather an acknowledgement that most governments in the West have passively encouraged the pornography deluge of the past fifty or sixty years and have utilized it as a means of social and political control. Nevertheless, very few people in any given country see this connection or are willing to recognize the connection as a fact.
JM Smith has written an excellent blog post on the subject on The Orthosphere. The post, Who Profits from the Sexual Slave, concisely outlines the main arguments author E. Michael Jones makes in his book Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control.
In his blog post, Smith writes:
For some reason, perverted sexual desires—sexual desire turned away from its natural end—is even more importunate, obsessive, and prone to violence. I do not know why this is so, but believe it is observably true. All men think about sex much more than is strictly necessary, but a pervert thinks about sex all the time. All men are eager to gratify their sexual desire, but in a pervert this eagerness is a reckless monomania. That is why he used to be called a sex maniac.
Traditional sexual morality was meant to protect men against becoming sex maniacs by forbidding perversions, and by enjoining a degree of chastity in the marriage bed. The latter was based on the prudent conviction that, if a man treated his bedroom as a bordello, he would sooner or later begin to treat a bordello as his bedroom. Traditional sexual morality recognized that human sexual desire has a way of “getting out of hand,” as just about every honest member of our species knows to his (and her) sorrow.
Sexual liberation removed traditional sexual morality and declared a general liberty to indulge in perversion and un-chastity. It denies that human sexual desire has a way of getting out of hand and calls slavery to sexual desire “natural,” “honest,” and “uninhibited.” It celebrates a life built around the gratification of sexual desire, and smiles with a special fondness on gratification of almost any sexual desire that is perverted from its natural end.
So, sexual liberation produces a nation of sex maniacs and slaves to sex because it releases men to be governed by their desires. If anyone draws attention to this mania and slavery, he is denounced as a man twisted by the perversion of prudery.
In all honesty, I had never heard of E. Michael Jones or his book before, but a big part of me wishes I had because it may have provided me with information I could have incorporated into my book. Regardless, I will certainly look into his book Libido Dominandi in the near future. Back to the post, I have printed the excerpt from JM Smith above because they not only address many of the same themes and ideas I did include in my novel, but also reveal truths many contemporary people simply refuse to consider, let alone accept.
Looking back at it now, I suppose part of my motivation for my novel came from, as Smith notes above, the desire to "draw attention to this mania and slavery." I suppose this makes me one of those men "twisted by the perversion of prudery," though I have not been denounced as such yet.
Yet . . .