I believe the passage above, taken from Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, perfectly encapsulates the struggle between Christianity and socialism -the metaphysical war between those who promulgated mounting to heaven from earth and those who strove to establish heaven on earth. The war was drawn out over centuries, but for all intents and purposes, it is now over. Socialism has succeeded in thoroughly subverting and trouncing Christianity – at least the major forms of organized, institutional Christianity. As far as I know, all major Christian denominations and churches have chosen to prioritize setting up heaven on earth over mounting to heaven from earth, which makes one wonder if the major Christian denominations really believe in the existence of God and immortality at all.
To suggest the major Christian churches no longer really believe in the existence of God and immortality is tantamount to blasphemy. Perhaps it is blasphemy to suggest such a thing. After all, a great many people within the various Christian denominations clearly do believe in God and immortality, but these people rarely, if ever, represent the official positions of their respective institutions, all of which are clearly more interested in creating heaven on earth than they are in mounting to heaven from earth. In fact, it has to come to the point where it is extremely difficult to differentiate the communications a Christian church releases from the communications released by a secular/atheist, socialist organization – and by socialist organization I am referring to all governments, businesses, global corporations, international forums, NGOs, universities, etc.
Case in point, the much (and rightly) criticized Humana Communitas in the Age of Pandemic: Untimely Meditations on Life’s Rebirth, which the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life released on July 22, 2020. A great deal of the criticism the document has drawn has concentrated the text’s glaring lack of reference to God, Jesus Christ, and faith (though the author goes out of his way to laud the World Health Organization to the stars). Many also clearly recognized and identified the document’s secular, bureaucratic tone and style of text as being eerily similar to the kind of tone and style that taints documents released by globalist organizations such as the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. What few seemed to note, however, is just how anti-Christian the Humana Commnunitas is. More specifically, how well the content of the document aligns with the current secular agendas to reorder the world in response to the birdemic crisis.
I’m not going to bother to do any sort comparison analysis in this post, but that doesn’t mean you should take my word for what I have expressed above. Instead, take a few moments, browse the Humana Communitas and make your through one or more of the WEF’s articles on the Great Reset. The similarities are depressing. Building the Tower of Babel; establishing heaven here on earth.
Both sources agree the birdemic has provided the ideal circumstances for the establishment of this heaven on earth – for a community of human family, a safe and just world – which will, of course, require ‘global governance’, new ‘mindsets’, ‘lifestyle changes’, and a ‘moral conversion’ - all of which can be achieved without Christ, God, and faith.
In my mind, documents like the Humana Communitas provides a clear response to the atheistic question: Attaining heaven on earth is far more important than attaining heaven from earth.