Of course, the champions of the Left see nothing good in this, as exemplified by some recent tweets from Sweden’s social affairs minister.
“What is happening in Hungary is alarming. Now, Orban wants more 'genuine' Hungarian children to be born,” she wrote on social media. “This policy reeks of the 30s and as right-wing populists, they need to create smoke-screens for what this kind of politics does to the independence that women have been fighting for.”
According to the esteemed politician in question, Orbán’s policies amount to nothing more than a fascist shell game whose true objective is to enslave women and turn them into baby-making machines with the obvious end goal of creating a burgeoning generation of Orbánjugend.
I won’t bother addressing the issue of why the Swedish minister in question feels it her duty to issue scathing commentary on the domestic affairs of another nation, but that she sees nothing, absolutely nothing good in the actions Hungary is taking to tackle its demographic troubles is rather telling.
Man, I am glad I don’t live in Sweden.
For a truly lucid analysis and understanding of the motivations that fuel the Leftist pathology the Swedish minister above espouses, please read Bruce Charlton’s recent post Leftist motivation - how resentment and self-hatred are combined, and how theoretical long-termist group-sacrifice justifies short-term selfishness. I cannot recommend it enough.