My latest is a direct response to anything related to the birdemic and its propaganda, peck(s), pills, passports, or what have you:
Sorry, but I don't negotiate with terrorists.
I've developed this sardonic habit of thinking whereby I turn well-known System catchphrases against the System itself.
My latest is a direct response to anything related to the birdemic and its propaganda, peck(s), pills, passports, or what have you: Sorry, but I don't negotiate with terrorists.
9/5/2021 20:08:21
On point!
9/5/2021 20:44:55
Exactly. "Negotiation" is a trap, since they don't negotiate in good faith. How many people agreed to get the peck so that they wouldn't be locked down, wouldn't have to wear a mask, etc. -- only to have the rules changed of them later?
9/6/2021 09:51:42
Excellent I shall add that one to my repertoire.
Francis Berger
9/6/2021 11:41:07
@ Sean - I have always refused to respond to such accusations or wade into any conversation concerning litmus test topics for the simple reason that these issues are inherently dishonest and structured in a way that makes it essentially impossible to come out "on top" or "innocent". Furthermore, I don't like engaging with people who are itching to fight me on their terms. These sorts of "topics" are designed to put one on the defensive and keep one permanently on the defensive.
9/6/2021 13:47:14
Sean Fowler,
Francis Berger
9/6/2021 14:07:22
@ Illuminatus - Yes, that is certainly an option and this sort of approach may indeed be effective, but I think the key here is to remember that the war we are fighting is fundamentally a spiritual war.
9/6/2021 14:57:56
As a white man, you have been written into the script as the villain. There's no sense getting angry or condescending about it - it only plays into the script.
Anthony Probst
9/6/2021 19:45:05
I've avoided interactions like this myself but I wonder if asking questions would help smooth the encounter: Are you optimistic for success of [whatever movement] given current conditions? From what you know of your adversaries will ongoing tactics be effective?
9/8/2021 11:11:11
Thank you francis and fellow readers.
Francis Berger
9/8/2021 11:31:47
@ Sean - One last point if I may. Bruce recently addressed the topic of manipulation in communication, and I think that point is vital to remember here as well.
9/8/2021 12:34:32
@francis. Sorry to labour the point francis and I appreciate the wisdom of that which both you and Bruce are proposing. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. The intent of these people is invariably evil regardless of whether they believe that their intent is good or not. I agree that terrorists should not be negotiated with. I think that they should be confronted and destroyed. As things stand they are being allowed to run riot. Avoiding conflict is no way to engage terrorists either. Prioritizing the conservation of ones own soul and locking ones self in a spiritual toilet while there is a battle to be fought is a selfish act I fear. Solzhenitsyns great regret was that no one confronted the police who came to take them off to the gulags. That through the Russian people’s passive acquiescence they allowed it to happen and because of that he reached the conclusion that the Russian people had to share the blame.
Francis Berger
9/9/2021 08:15:49
@ Sean - What happens on earth does matter, but it only really matters if it is determined by the spiritual, not the earthly.
9/11/2021 13:51:06
Thank you Francis. I don’t disagree with anything of that which you have written above. Nor would I consider you even for a second to be cowardly. And heaven forbid, I am not suggesting rounding up leftists and putting them in camps, only that we confront and destroy their arguments, delusions, policies lies. You have given me an awful lot to think about. Much appreciated. Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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