At the purely superficial level, I can't help but agree with our newly self-crowned totalitarian overlords. They're right - normal was not working, but my agreement with this premise does not entail that I support or endorse the conclusions and plans the Establishment is gathering and promulgating in its efforts to alleviate this sudden "crisis of normal."
In my mind, normal wasn't working because our civilization is metaphysically confused and mostly opposed to God and Divine Will. In the Establishment's demonic mind, normal wasn't working because our civilization is not metaphysically confused enough and has still not committed itself willingly and completely to self-damnation.
The only reset I would welcome would be one involving the primacy of the spiritual. The Establishment's idea of a reset involves something else entirely. On the surface, it all sounds so alluring and wonderful. I mean, take a look at what the leader of the WEF has said about the opportunity the birdemic presents:
"The COVID-19 crisis is affecting every facet of people's lives in every corner of the world. But tragedy need not be its only legacy. On the contrary, the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future."
That sounds swell, doesn't it? My only concern is this: the enlightened individuals demanding the global reset are the same enlightened individuals that shaped, constructed, controlled, and profited from the normal that has suddenly stopped working.
But at this point, it doesn't really matter what the Establishment says anymore. They have secured all the power they need; all they have to do now is force their plan through. Here's something to keep in mind - resets usually occur only after prior systems become unsalvageable. The Establishment is currently working to ensure their prior system - the old normal - becomes just that.
The Establishment wants to convince the world that normal is a crisis. Normal may indeed be a crisis, but I can guarantee the new normal the Establishment hopes to create will be far worse than a crisis; it will be a complete catastrophe.