Thankfully, not every Christian functioning within the corrupted and complicit machinations of System Christianity is a System Christian at heart.
Case in point - Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who is among the mere handful of Catholic clergy that have demonstrated exceptional discernment when it comes to the birdemic and the 2020 global totalitarian coup (bold added, terminology coded by me):
I realize that it may be extremely unpopular to take a position against the so-called pecks, but as Shepherds of the flock of the Lord we have the duty to denounce the horrible crime that is being carried out, whose goal is to create billions of chronically ill people and to exterminate millions and millions of people, based on the infernal ideology of the “Great Reset” formulated by the President of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, and endorsed by institutions and organizations around the world.
The silence of so many cardinals and bishops, along with the inconceivable promotion of the peck campaign by the Holy See, represents a form of unprecedented complicity that cannot continue any longer. It is necessary to denounce this scandal, this crime against humanity, this satanic action against God.
With every passing day, thousands of people are dying or are being affected in their health by the illusion that the so-called pecks guarantee a solution to the birdemic emergency. The Catholic Church has the duty before God and all of humanity to denounce this tremendous and horrible crime with the utmost firmness, giving clear directions and taking a stand against those who, in the name of a pseudo-science subservient to the interests of the pharmaceutical companies and the globalist elite, have only intentions of death.
How Joe Biden, who also defines himself as “Catholic,” could impose pecking on 28 million children aged 5 to 11, is absolutely inconceivable, if only for the fact that there is practically zero risk of them developing the birdemic disease. The Holy See and the Bishops’ Conferences have the duty to express a firm condemnation in this regard, and also in relation to the very serious side effects that can result for children who are inoculated with the experimental gene serum.
If I didn't know better, I would swear that Archbishop Vigano has been an avid reader of Romantic Christian blogs over these past nineteen months.
Who knows? Maybe he has been.
Or maybe he's a Christian who has made a strong commitment to truly follow Christ and to be on the side of God and Creation. As such, not only is he able to see through the lies, but also resist them.
We need more Viganos in this world, and we need them NOW.
Listen: What this man says is true. Consider what he has to say and then weigh it against your own discernment, experience, and intuition. Time is running out. Commitments need to be made, and they need to be made NOW.
Read Abp. Vigano's entire letter here.