I made the rather unoriginal argument that the powers behind the global diktat would work to ensure a permanent state of "none are safe" in order to keep everyone panicked, subjugated, and on board with the "all are safe" weapons of global enslavement and damnation currently being implemented all over the world.
Well, in the day since that post, our super friends at the WHO have met at the International Hall of Justice or wherever and have engaged in an emergency discussion over the newest birdemic mutant strain of concern - Megatron or Omniforce or whatever they've decided to name it.
Apparently, the new strain could be like five zillion times more catchy and deadly than the other birdemic strains they have released thus far. Experts say it is faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and can leap over buildings in a single bound. It also comes in six cool colors, is low in carbohydrates, and can easily fit into most overhead stowage bins or under most beds for convenient storage.
Sadly, rumor has it that none of the birdemic pecks presently in use can or will provide any protection against it. For all birdemic intents and purposes, this means everyone is basically back to being unpecked again.
But no one needs to worry because one illustrious peck manufacturer has already assured the world that his trustworthy company can have a totally untested and literally experimental but otherwise completely safe and effective peck in the arms of every global citizen in fewer than a 100 days.
To underscore the severity of this latest global threat, the Satanic elite dutifully tanked their rigged markets and exchanges, while the world media filled its articles and reports with lots of scary words like "scary."
Had enough?
Forget about trying to be safe. It's time to focus, I mean really focus, on being saved.
Moreover, it's time to put a stop to all of this. And that begins and ends in the spiritual.
The only way to be free from this terrible external evil is to be internally free for something that is far greater.
Let's focus our energies on being free for God from here on out. If we all do that and stick to doing that from this point forward, amazing things could happen.