Let's get the obvious out of the way first. Abortion is evil. It is among the most grievous of sins. That is all.
Now that we've cleared that up, let's concentrate on the System's latest current thing, which happens to be a leaked Supreme Court "opinion" draft that challenges the current abortion legislation in the United States.
News of the leak has, predictably, "lit up" the Christian/conservative blog world. Everywhere I look I see Christians and conservative revving themselves up for the next hot battle in the spiritual war. Some are vowing to take the fight to the streets. Others insist the leaked document is a sign of divine providence. A few have even suggested that the document represents a turning point in the spiritual war.
I don't want to add any commentary to the "issue" itself. What I want to do is make people aware of this latest current thing provides the perfect opportunity for Christians to practice system distancing. (The opportunity does not exist for those who identify purely as conservatives because conservatism is wedded to the System by default and cannot exist without it.)
The first thing to keep in mind is this -- the System issued the communication and made sure news of it was widespread. This implies that the Establishment very much wants everyone to be acutely aware of the "issue" and to participate in the issue via the System in some way by thinking about it, writing about it, arguing about it, raising hopes about it, fighting about it, etc. Moreover, the Establishment wants everyone to "have a position" on the issue. They want people to become personally invested in this latest communication on terms the System dictates. This applies especially to Christians, for whom abortion is a big concern.
Secondly, this newest current thing is a clear example of the System wanting people to listen to what it is saying about this issue here and now and to forget about what it is not saying here and now. And there are many things the System is not talking about these days -- the very same things it could not stop talking about mere weeks or months ago.
Thirdly, these sorts of communications are usually released to foster hope in the System. The overall aim is to coax Christians and conservatives into thinking that the System still contains vestiges of real good, that it is capable of self-correction, that it can address "issues" that are important to Christians, that it has the potential to redeem itself and turn a corner.
Fourthly, communications of this nature are meant to keep everyone fixated on external forces that are entirely out of our control. Instead of investing time and energy on aligning with God and Creation outwith the System, Christians are being lured into investing time and energy aligning with the external forces of System manipulation within the System.
Finally, the primary objective of the System is mass damnation, and it will employ the most nefarious and deceptive means to assure this.
I could go on, but I think I've made my point. I'm not arguing that we shouldn't care about abortion or that we shouldn't pay some attention to developments around this "issue".
At the same time, I think it is a mistake to become too invested in this latest "current thing". Moreover, I believe this latest piece of System manipulation offers an excellent opportunity to practice the spiritual imperative of system distancing, which I have briefly outlined here.
To sum up, the best way to help the cause of the issue the System is currently promulgating is too keep your actions and thoughts about the issue largely outside of the System itself.