"Liberalism has not succeeded in conquering Islam, but Islam may succeed in conquering liberalism. Liberalism has gone out of its way to defend Islam as a religion of peace and lashes out consistently at anyone or anything that dares criticize the religion by affixing them with the usual liberal labels of bigotry, racism, intolerance, xenophobia and, the very specific term, Islamophobia. For its part, Islam has not returned the favor. No Imam that I know of has waded into realm of enlightenment by preaching for the acceptance of equal rights for women or tolerance of gays and lesbians. Thus if Islam continues to strengthen, and this is particularly true for Western nations that are home to sizable Muslim populations, it is entirely conceivable that liberal values such as those mentioned above might be threatened if not abolished altogether if Muslims begin to lay claim to any political power within those countries. This will also present a challenge for democracy, that cornerstone of liberalism."
It is truly tragic to think that most of those shot dead by this sick individual probably wholeheartedly subscribed to the usual liberal platitudes defending Islam.
It will be interesting to see how the diabolical media, academics, and politicians play this one out. No doubt there will be more "Islam is a religion of peace" mantras coupled with "not giving into hate" pontificating. I am certain the issue will be deflected to the issue of gun ownership, which will be the focal point of the tragedy. Regardless of how this catastrophe is addressed by the liberal media, academics, and politicians, it is entirely predictable that very little of it will be honest in terms of assessment and evaluation. However, this should surprise absolutely no one at this point, not even liberals.