Yet in the vast cosmos of asinine assertions, I remain an amateur. It pains me to admit it, but its true. Despite my immense talent for confounding a claim, and despite my dogged determination to perplex a point, I must accept that when it comes to lame arguments, I will never, ever be in the same league as the pros out there. As good as I am, try as I might, I will never succeed in being as baffling, befuddling, and bewildering as those who play in the big leagues.
I simply lack the 'it' factor that would propel me to the same heights as those geniuses. Like the ones who believe liberalism is the sole reason the West has not experienced a world war since 1945. These mountains of the mind are quick to point out that nationalism caused World War One, that a combination of nationalism and fascism were to blame for World War Two, and that the blue skies since 1945 are wholly the result of liberalism - a progressive liberalism that is now being threatened by rising nationalism. A menacing nationalism that seeks to end the noble liberal project of erasing all borders and nations so that we can all finally hold hands and sing John Lennon's "Imagine" as we live as one.
You see how good that is? It's a whole other level.
As for me, I just can't shake the idea that the development of the atomic bomb, and, subsequently nuclear weapons, has probably acted as more of a deterrence than liberalism has.
But hey, what do I know?