Of course, the Hungarian government's move is, in and of itself, Good. Likewise, Dreher's lauding of the Hungarian legal measure is also, in and of itself, Good.
Here's the problem. As Good as the Hungarian legislation and Dreher's support of it are, neither can be considered on an "in and of itself" basis.
Other things need to be considered, with the birdemic being foremost among them.
Let's break it down: Dreher is currently defending and celebrating an individual who displayed absolutely no qualms about surrendering to the birdemic; an individual who tyrannically suspended the rights of the citizens he apparently represents; an individual who locked down the entire country not once, but twice; an individual who psychologically tortured and terrorized an entire nation via a relentless fear campaign; an individual who manipulated more than half of the country's population to voluntarily accept experimental, unproven pecks; an individual who openly discriminated against citizens who refused to get with his program; an individual who appears more than ready to continue doing the same and worse should such conditions manifest in the near future. And this individual has done all of this under the guise of Christian leadership.
And Dreher is defending said individual against other individuals and groups - mainly EU technocrats, politics, and their allied associations - all of whom are guilty of the exact same draconian tyranny the Hungarian prime minister has exhibited.
In all the controversy of "these rights" and "those rights", no mention is ever made of the personal rights and freedoms Hungary and the EU gleefully and sadistically trampled upon and continue to trample upon under the justification of the still unacknowledged and officially denied birdemic coup of 2020.
Of course, we shouldn't expect anything better from a man like Dreher. After all, he publicly capitulated to the birdemic very early on and remains subservient to the global totalitarian takeover to this day. All under the guise of being a respectable Christian.
So good for the Hungarian PM for standing up to the globohomo machinations of the Establishment and good for Dreher for all the cheer-leading about the PM standing up to wokism or whatever.
Unfortunately, neither of these "goods" put the Hungarian PM or Dreher on the side of Good, for that would necessitate acknowledging the birdemic in the room.
And neither appears willing to do that. Not now. Not ever.
You can't proclaim the virtues of not living by lies if you choose to live by the Biggest Lie the world has ever experienced.
You just can't.
Note added: My criticism of the two individuals mentioned in the post is not based on my assessment of their apparent sins, but rather on my assessment of their chosen side. The actions and communications both men have displayed in connection with the birdemic reveal that they are - actively and willingly - on the the side that opposes God and Creation.