Over the past six months, I have contemplated abandoning the blog altogether, but something prevents me from doing so. Though I doubt it will lead to much, I have instead decided continuing the blog, but only after I establishing a clear sense of purpose.
What is this purpose?
Truth. Beauty. Goodness.
The posts following this one will focus almost exclusively on the transcendentals.
A few days later I began posting on a daily basis with this renewed purpose in the forefront of my mind. With a few minor exceptions, I have been posting daily since then and it has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I find it difficult to describe what inspired and motivated me to write that "Series of False Starts" blog post and the consequent daily blogging that followed. I simply needed to do it, is all I can say.
Once the purpose of the blog became clear to me I had little trouble writing daily. I no longer cared about the blog's obscurity, or whether or not it was effectively promoting the novel I had written. All I cared about was writing something every day about Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.
As the weeks slipped by I noticed the blog was attracting an increasing number of readers and had caught the attention of a few fellow bloggers. Simply put, my efforts had lead to something. For the first time since I began this blog in 2012, I knew I was doing the right thing - the thing I probably should have been doing all along.
Hence, I would like to take a moment to thank those who read or have read my posts, especially those who have taken the time to post comments and interact with some of the issues and ideas I have touched upon.
I would also like to thank fellow bloggers who have shared some of my material on their sites. I feel as if I am in the orbit of a talented and inspiring group of individuals whose outlook and focus has both inspired and strengthened me. I sincerely hope this continues for a long time to come.
Most of all I would like to thank Bruce Charlton for his support and the generous efforts he has undertaken to draw attention to this blog. It has meant the world to me.
Revitalizing this blog was definitely the right thing to do. I will keep blogging daily into the foreseeable future - it seems I still have much to say concerning Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.