Vox Day recorded the observation above on his blog today in response to a clip of the Australian PM insisting that pecks are a personal choice; hence, people who allowed themselves to be pecked did so of their own free will and must, therefore, assume total personal responsibility for the choice they made. Here's the clip:
There's no mandate, see? Only rules and the rules apply to everybody:
As I have noted before, the matter of choice regarding the peck is primarily a spiritual matter:
Getting people to willingly and actively choose their damnation has been the dominant theme of the birdemic since 2020.
Yes, there has been much persuasion, propaganda, and pressure -- and yes, there have been manipulations and machinations aplenty.
Terror tactics? Sure.
Bold-faced lying and devious dishonesty? Certainly.
Coercion? Oppression? Harassment? Arm-twisting? You betcha!
What about straight-up force?
Though there has been some compulsion here and there, evil has generally avoided the blatant use of force whenever possible for the simple reason that it wants to ensure the choice is yours.
Evil has generally left some room for choice, even when it has mandated and compelled. Granted, the choices it tends to offer barely seem like choices at all -- penalties, fines, job-loss, etc. -- but they are choices all the same.
Because they don't want to make the choice for people. They really don't. They want people to make the choice themselves. And they want people to own that choice.
To get back to Vox Day for a moment -- he has consistently been among the (very) few bloggers who recognize and understand the spiritual implications of the peck agenda and the birdemic. Kudos to him for that.
Note added: Choices can be repented, especially choices made under coercion, but I imagine evil is banking on a majority of such choices remaining un-repented. Even better, such coerced choices could become a fertile breeding ground for resentment, rage, and despair.