Though possible, the emergence of other pivots or inflection points in the future seems unlikely. The Establishment will get the chaos They seek, but They will fail to impose the planned order They so eagerly wish to impose.
Destruction is not merely coming, it's already here, and it will continue to be here for the foreseeable future. The Establishment currently welcome the destruction because They believe They control of it.
That may have been the case a few months ago, but like the potential reversal point mentioned above, the Establishment's control also resides in the past. In the present, They are merely managing the destruction. Soon the destruction will be managing Them.
Worldly means can no longer halt the destruction the Establishment has unleashed. On the contrary, such means will only serve to exacerbate the destruction. The more conditions deteriorate, the more the Establishment's dark dream of imposing Their anti-human order will fade. The destruction will intensify, and the Establishment will discover that the only thing They will be able to pull from the chaos is more chaos.
The chaos will swallow everything. It will not allow any order to emerge from it. But if we're fortunate, Reality could push through instead.
So when the time comes, yearn not for order . . .