"Inclusion" means everyone and everything must be fully incorporated into the System. No one is allowed to be excluded or even marginal. The excluded must be included, the marginal must be redefined as central. There's a classic cartoon-villain term for this goal: taking over the world.
Speaking of taking over the world, it is worth noting that the successful global totalitarian coup of 2020 - the all encompassing totalitarianism we are currently suffering under - also represents the first successful implementation of the kind of inclusion William describes in the excerpt above.
Under the guise of the birdemic, the Establishment finally pulled off the trick Satan had been trying to pull off since beginning of history - the incorporation of everyone and everything into a system that is inherently opposed to God. And the Establishment was able to achieve this through its newly minted global diktat of "none are safe until all are safe".
Now that the Establishment has basically incorporated everyone and everything into its System under the banner of protecting the world from a deadly plague, it desperately wants to keep the inclusion vibes going and will waste little time expanding its definition of providing "global safety" to areas beyond human health, more specifically to the Big Global Lies that comprise the litmus tests of serious Christianity.
Think climate crisis. Anti-racism. Ongoing sexual revolution and transwhateverism.
And if that doesn't work, there's always terrorism and war, be it conventional or cyber.
Of course, ensuring that everyone is firmly incorporated into the System will be the only way to ensure the safety of all.
At the material level, this means total enslavement. At the spiritual level, damnation.
The only solution on the horizon is freedom - more specifically, spiritual freedom - the kind only Jesus can provide.