No real objection from me there; much of what sociosexual hierarchy adherents criticize or oppose is indeed fake and gay.
However, sociosexual hierarchy fanboys possess a glaring blind spot when it comes to the fakeness and gayness of their sociosexual preoccupation and self-absorption.
Fake because “systems” that classify and rank men based on their social standing among other men and their ability to attract women express, at best, only partial truths about men and society, entailing that such systems offer little more than generalized distortions and misrepresentations.
Gay because I cannot for the life of me understand why men are so fervently interested in other men and their own supposed ranking among other men.
Yet for the sake of argument, let’s pretend the sociosexual hierarchy is pure truth. What then? How do its tenets hold up in our net-evil and quickly perishing societies?
If alpha males are indeed the elite men that naturally rise to occupy the bulk of leadership positions in the West, then what exactly are the fruits by which I am to know them?
If alphas are indeed running the show, then they are succeeding in running a net-evil show replete with the worst sorts of value inversions one could devise, and all the other men — the betas, the gammas, the deltas, and the omegas — are all willingly onboard for the ride.
However, something tells me the alphas are not running the show. The ubiquity of head girls and other assorted female psychopaths in leadership positions all over the West alone is a testament to that.
Moreover, barely any of the men who remain in leadership positions today qualify as alpha males. So, where are all the alphas and what exactly are they leading?
I suppose the sociosexual hierarchy acolytes acknowledge all of that by referring to our current value-inverted iteration of Westen Civilization as Clown World and, by default, probably insist that the only solution to value-inverted Clown World is the reimplementation of a proper hierarchy of values in society, namely via the recognition and application sociosexual hierarchy.
Well, okay, but if this “natural” hierarchy is so valid, then how could it be so easily and willingly inverted, usurped, and discarded? Moreover, how will it ever be reimplemented?
Putting all of that aside for a moment, my biggest concern with this whole sociosexual hierarchy business is that it does little more than distract people — men in particular — from the sorts of things they should be thinking about and concentrating on.
The all-encompassing focus on society diverts attention from more pressing spiritual problems and matters. The forceful emphasis on groups and ranks within society diminishes men (or women) as individuals, as unique selves within Creation, each with a unique spiritual arc and quest. It reeks of materialism and positivism, as do the ultimate aims and functions within the hierarchy.
Here's the thing — people, men particularly, welcome such diversions with open arms because it provides them the pretense of being involved in serious intellectual/spiritual business while simultaneously avoiding the urgent and acute spiritual matters to which they should be attending.
At its core, the sociosexual hierarchy strikes me as uncreative, anti-creative, anti-spiritual, corrupt, pseudoscientific, systemized thinking that, among other detrimental effects, increases alienation.
It does little more than attempt to explain a supposed system embedded within another system. It is just another aspect of Societianity — the compulsive belief in society as the be-all and end-all of mortal life in this world.
It offers few answers to ultimate questions or aims. As with all predetermined models, its outputs are entirely dependent upon and controlled by its inputs. All else is considered pointless and irrelevant to its pre-arranged schemata.
And at the end of the day, who cares where men happen to land on some sociosexual ranking if the society itself is thoroughly corrupted and net-evil, and the majority of the men on said ranking is spiritually shallow, unserious, unrepentant, hedonic, dishonest, cowardly, and effeminate?
The whole thing is just another inane schtick, which helps explain why it is currently so uber-popular.