We can ask a question: can the invisible link between the faithful and God be severed by a third party armed with the tools provided by the latest scientific advances?
Disturbingly, the answer may be yes. Scientists led by Dr. Colin Holbrook at UCLA undertook a multi-year endeavor to discover ways to stop “religious beliefs and right-wing prejudice.” They attempted to apply direct electromagnetic stimulation to the brain to alter human beliefs, specifically turning off belief in God.
Dr. Holbrook has led extensive research on this topic for many years. He described how electromagnetic stimulation of the frontal cortex (frontal part of the brain) “experimentally decreased avowed belief in God."
After using a purposely made device, scientists describe a significant reduction in expressed belief in positive religious ideas:
Religious belief: We next tested the effects of TMS on the endorsement of religious beliefs following a reminder of death. In a marginal trend, overall avowed religious belief (including both positive and negative beliefs) was reduced in the TMS condition relative to the sham condition 2.95 vs 4.26. As predicted, this shift was driven by a significant reduction in expressed belief in positive religious ideas. Participants in the TMS condition reported an average of 32.8% less conviction in positive religious beliefs.
If interested, you can read the whole thing here, but I’ll offer the following summary for those so inclined: the Science can zap religious faith right out of your brain, and you can bet your bottom dollar that will strive to do so en masse very soon.
First, religious faith has plummeted just dandy on its own in the West without the need for TMS or any other sort of brain-radiating lobotomy. Second, what is the exact nature of the religious faith that TMS supposedly reduced in the trial participants? Third, this whole business of clandestinely reducing religious faith by bombing an unwitting population with anti-religious gamma waves denies the spiritual reality of what religious faith is and how it can be reduced or lost.
Concerning the thoughts above -- first, reducing or abandoning religious faith is a free personal choice. Second, reducing or abandoning religious faith is a free personal choice. And lastly, reducing or abandoning religious faith is a free personal choice.
Putting the concerns of worried agnostics like Chudov aside, no technology capable of actually reducing religious faith contra an individual’s free personal religious choice can or will ever be developed.
That is not how reality operates.
Real religious faith is impervious to all external influences. Only the faithful can reduce or abandon religious faith. Any religious faith that external forces can reduce is not true religious faith.
Anyone who worries about getting their religious faith secretly zapped out of them by radiation or whatever is an irredeemable spiritual idiot.
It really is as simple as that.