Spirit is ultimate reality. It can be denied, but it can never truly be destroyed. If it could be destroyed, the material world as we know it would simply cease to exist for the simple reason that the material is a subcategory of the spiritual.
Whenever we perceive the material world as nothing more than the material world, we are locked in grips of despiritualization. The spiritual is still there, we just refuse to or are unable to sense it or know it. In this sense, we do not possess the power to dispossess anything in Creation — including ourselves — of spirit, but we can certainly make ourselves immune to spirit or estrange and alienate ourselves from it.
We do not possess the power to kill the spiritual in Creation, but we do have enough power to deaden it, most notably, within ourselves. This is the essence of despiritualization. However, possessing the power to deaden Creation also entails that we possess the power to do the opposite — to respiritualize Creation.
Although awareness is vital, respiritualizing Creation involves much more than merely recognizing and knowing that the material world is a subset of the spiritual cosmos. It involves far more than simply bringing Creation to life within consciousness. We may not be able to remove spirit from Creation when we despiritualize, but we are able to add spirit to Creation when we engage in respiritualization.
Through love. The world can only be released from the curse of despiritualization through love. We feel this most acutely with people or Beings who are close to us in spirit. We sense Beings who are close to us in spirit as more alive, more meaningful, less burdensome, less obligatory because they are aligned with us, joined to us, and dear to us. Love burns away the pure-materiality of those Beings and reveals spirit, within the Beings we love and within ourselves.
Without love, our relationships within Creation are reduced to necessity, compulsion, pressure, burden, resistance, and obligation. We feel the apparent deadness of the material world pressing down upon us, threatening us, tempting us, and exploiting us, and we react to this deadness by exerting our own pressure, obligations, threats, temptations, and exploitation into the material world.
Love liberates us from despiritualization, but true liberation from the apparent deadness and burden of the material world involves a love of Christ. Without the love of Christ, true respiritualization — true spiritual freedom — cannot occur.
Without Jesus, the necessities, compulsions, pressures, resistances, and obligations of the despiritualized material world cannot be entirely overcome. Put another way, without Jesus, we can never truly free ourselves of the world while retaining a sense of self, that is, an authentic source of love.
The love of respiritualization is the love of freedom, harmony, and alignment. The selves who love each other and are united in such a way are free.