Look, many blogs and bloggers, particularly on the secular right, are passionately dedicated to saving the West, but the vast majority of these blogs and bloggers fail to understand that religion, more specifically Christianity, is the only thing that can save the West. This is the crucial point Dr. Charlton makes in his post - a crucial point many simply refuse to recognize.
Without Christianity, the West is doomed. End of story.
No change in government, no return to tradition, no nationalism, no pursuit of ethnic cohesion, and no rehabilitation of conventional morals can or will save the West unless it is firmly rooted in Christianity first.
Simply put - anyone who believes the West can be saved without Christianity is deluded.
I first came to this realization after reading Solzhenitsyn, but Dr. Charlton's observations on the subject strike me as more pertinent because they focus specifically on the West - here and now. Sadly, the West here and now is even less interested in religion than it was when Solzhenitsyn issued his prophetic warnings regarding the dissolution of the West - prophetic warnings that have since evolved into tangible and palpable realities.
I have included a few excerpts from Dr. Charlton's post below, but I urge those who have not read the entire text to so by clicking here.
The West is crumbling towards death.
There is nowadays a strong assumption against positive purposiveness. The modern mind wants to explain everything in terms of negative causes such as accident, randomness, incompetence, selfishness.
And this is partly true - this is 'natural' - and a consequence of the failure of cohesion. This is due to the loss of religion - specifically Christianity. Nothing has ever been found to replace religion as a cohesive motivation for any length of time. Without religion it is rational to live in a selfish and short-termist way because - why not?
Without religion people are crazy, psychotic, insane - that is they have lost their basic instincts for survival and (overall) seek their own death and also are actively seeking that which is false and which harms them.
It is the loss of religion, the denial of the spiritual, the denial that this is a created world with purpose and meaning, that has made Men seek their own annihilation, and consequently institutional annihilation, national annihilation.
That is the root of it all - that is the primary cause - and if it is not cured, then we will die with absolute certainty; we will die (en masse) physically but also (more importantly) spiritually - both by neglect of that which is needed to survive and by death being an expression of what people most deeply want.