So, God has withdrawn but why has he done this? Is it because of our wickedness? That would be a reasonable supposition but I don't think it is entirely correct. God has withdrawn to see how we get on without him. We have reached a certain stage in our unfoldment, one at which we have to start developing spiritual insight within ourselves. We couldn't do this if God were there holding our hand all the time. Therefore he withdraws to give us the opportunity to grow but also to see whether we will grow like this or whether we will refuse the opportunity. At the moment it seems as though most of us do reject God when he is not there to remind us of himself. We are failing the test of the heart. But perhaps as the situation changes and our material comforts are removed more of us may turn to God. He is merciful and will surely give us every chance to repent. At the same time, the repentance must be sincere. It must come from the heart.
I encourage you to read the entire post by clicking the link above.
I agree with William's assessment of our current spiritual circumstances and have made similar arguments concerning God's unresponsiveness to our communications.
As I noted in a comment on William's post:
I see much divine wisdom in God's apparent withdrawal. He is no longer interested in presenting us with revelations from above. He is patiently waiting for a revelation from us below -- from the depths of our innermost selves. He cannot initiate the revelation but will respond accordingly when it occurs.
William ends his post on a positive (bold added):
Something like this is happening to humanity. We are being encouraged to leave spiritual childhood and start to become spiritually responsible for ourselves. Humanity is going through a kind of initiation, both collectively and on an individual level. The collective initiation does not appear to be going well but the individual one depends entirely on you. Your individual success may even help the collective.