I politely informed the commenter that, as dishonest as it would likely sound to him, I would be unwilling and unable to make many of the compromises Peterson has made over the past year or two. The worldly-wise commenter in question scoffed at this reply and launched a three paragraph tirade in which he attacked my insincerity and naivety.
The response did not bother me much; I have learned comments on blogs can be quite idiosyncratic - they tend to reveal much more about the commenter making the comment than they do anything else.
In any case, the purpose of this post is not to harangue that specific commenter, but to dispel, once and for all, any lingering doubts anyone else might still harbor concerning Jordan B Peterson. Contrary to popular belief, the man is an absolute sell-out who does what he does solely for his own good rather than for the Good.
If you do not see that after reading this post, you will never see it, and I will make no further attempts to convince you. However, if you see nothing inherently wrong with Peterson's cashing in at every conceivable turn, I humbly suggest you re-examine your own assumptions and general worldview because some major adjustments need to be made.
Regardless, I invite those who may still be sitting on the fence about JP to visit his official merchandise site where they can happily peruse a fine selection of Peterson products including ties, mugs, leggings, t-shirts, and blankets among other items. Yes, for a mere 14 euros (!), you too can be the proud owner of a pair of Jordan Peterson lobster socks.
Rumor has it Peterson has other great merchandise in the works including lobster-scented cologne and an entire range of dominance hierarchy-inspired sex toys, so make sure to check back and check back often so you don't miss out on all that great stuff!
Lobster socks.
Come at me again about how the greatest intellectual in the Western world is no sell out.