Sold as a courageous means through which to stick it to those in charge, speaking truth to power is constructed on the age-old lie that power actually listens truth.
Let me tell you a little secret - it doesn't.
Power does not and cannot listen to truth. If it did, it would cease to be power.
There's only one thing power listens to - and that thing is power.
But for the sake of the hypothetical, let's pretend power actually could or did listen to truth. The moment it did, it would simply cease to be because it would be transformed into truth.
This is the faux logic behind the leftist rallying cry. The great march through the institutions is the professed evidence of that logic in action. "We dissolved power with the truth and turned power into truth."
But leftist truth is not truth at all, only power. If leftist truth were real truth, it would not rush in to fill the void power leaves in its wake.
When leftists claim to be speaking truth to power, they are actually speaking power to power because power is all leftism knows. Truth never enters the equation. If it did, it would not be motivated by the error of speaking to power.
Leftists believe their truth is elevated beyond all good and evil, and this is what makes their purported truth a lie.
Leftists are convinced their truth does not require God; that their truth transcends God; that their truth is God. The only god leftists worship is power.
So when leftists rant about speaking truth to power, they are really speaking power to power. Truth never enters the picture.
Truth never enters the picture because truth is God, and if there is one thing leftists hate more than anything, it is God.
The Orthodox saint, Alexander Nevsky wisely observed that God is not in power, but in truth.
Whenever Christ spoke spiritual truth to worldly power, he received mostly questions in response.
What is truth?
And when Christ spoke truth to the Grand Inquisitor, it came in the form of silence . . . sealed with a kiss.