In most aspects of life, progress can indeed be positive. Without positive progress, life stagnates and ultimately decays. Of course, not all progress is good. Technological progress is generally beneficial, but some of our technological advancements have produced more harm than good. The same could be said for various forms of political and social progress. Despite negative examples, the vast majority of people view progress as a positive and welcome, which is understandable. After all, progress is hardwired into our very being and nature. A life without progress would quickly deteriorate into a dull sort of hell.
Progressive social and political movements have successfully cloaked themselves in the positive and attractive connotations of progress – freedom, change, evolution, charisma, potential, energy, initiative, agility, vitality, elasticity, action, and drive. They advocate for the improvement of society through economic and social reforms all for the improvement of what they term "the human condition." Focusing exclusively on material concepts such as equality, inclusivity, diversity and justice, progressives paint themselves as dynamic and disparage all who oppose them as static.
Progressivism portrays itself as forward-moving and linear, and most people drawn to progressivism regard it as such. Yet many fail to see that modern social and political progressivism is not linear but circular in nature. Instead of advancing in a straight line forward to a positive goal, progressive movements tend to revolve and curve back upon themselves. The march forward never reaches the intended goal staked out in Point B. On the contrary, the march forward departs Point A, carves a circle, and returns to Point A from which the march forward began.
In essence, modern progressivism is revolutionary. It entices people to rise up against a perceived enemy or oppressor and dismantle the existing order in the name of progress. Progressives harness the positive urge to rebel against injustice and offer revolt as the only means through which the goal of Point B can be successfully attained. As in revolutionary movements of the past, progressivism is war. Thus, progressives initiate the revolt and begin their march forward once their stated enemy has been vanquished or neutralized. Those enamored by the progressive movement get so caught up in this initial forward momentum that they fail to perceive the extremely rapid turn and downward decline as the movement proceeds along its circular trajectory.
Most only become aware of the non-linearity of the march once they reach the bottom of the circle, which is the polar opposite of Point A, but by then they are powerless to stop the force they have initiated and the circling back to Point A continues, most often in a ruthless manner. Once the circular movement is complete, adherents to the progressive cause unwittingly find themselves in the same place from which they began, albeit in circumstances more degraded than those they originally revolted against when they began their intended, forward-moving, linear journey. Thus, this sort of “progress” is a movement from real or perceived oppression to a state of intensified oppression.
Simply put, progressivism is a totalitarian confidence trick. It defrauds people the same way conventional con games do - by exploiting people's credulity, naïveté, compassion, vanity, irresponsibility, and greed.
Rebelling against injustice is the lure that draws many to the progressive cause. Most people understand that rebellion can be a positive force. History is full of examples of noble rebellions against real oppression and injustice. Noble rebellions tend to be fueled by the forces of Reality. Noble rebellions are both existential and spiritual acts of agency and defiance. The goal of positive rebellion is the overthrow of an oppressive, actual evil that has interrupted, stifled, or repressed the linear and spiritual freedom and progress of an individual, group, or nation.
As stated above, the goals of noble rebellion are aligned with the Good. This type of rebellion does not seek to destroy or overthrow Goodness, Truth, and Beauty, but seeks instead to reinstate and reestablish these values by challenging the forces that have oppressed Goodness, Truth, and Beauty. In this sense, noble rebellions truly are about freedom, and noble rebels are often regarded as freedom fighters. The true nature of the fight is spiritual and subjective rather than material and objective.
Acting like parasites, past revolutionary movements fed off the forces of noble rebellions and presented themselves as such. Seizing upon actual political or social injustices at the material level, historical revolutionaries agitated the oppressed collective into a poisonous state of resentment to overthrow existing order. Unlike noble rebellions, the ultimate goals of historical revolutionary movements were grounded purely in the material and the collective rather than the spiritual and the personal. Since they were not based in the spiritual and the personal, historical revolutionary movements were incapable of moving forward in a linear direction for any extended period of time.
The linear and forward movement of true progress requires freedom. True freedom exists only at the level of the individual and the spiritual. Historical revolutionary movements banished the spiritual and sacrificed the individual to the collective thereby rendering linear progress impossible. The only way to subordinate the individual in favor of the collective was through violence.
As a result, historical revolutionary movements sought to control rather than liberate once the usurpation of the existing order had been accomplished. The moment that happened, the forward thrust of the revolution turned away from the true linear trajectory of progress and began its circular descent away from the straight, forward moving line. The more violent and oppressive the control against the spiritual and the personal became, the more the line descended and curved away from its original, intended goal.
If you trace the timeline of the Russian Revolution, you quickly notice it adheres to the circular perversion of the intended linear goal the Bolsheviks has set. The Bolsheviks had promised utopia and claimed it was waiting at the end of line stretched into the distance. What they delivered instead was a dystopia that brought the people right back to where they started from. The only notable difference was the oppression, which was far worse than the original oppression the people had collectively rebelled against.
In plain terms, this circular, revolutionary movement could be equated with the vicious circle – the proposed solution to a problem creates a new, unanticipated problem that ignites a series of circumstances, all of which make the solving of the original problem untenable. George Orwell captured this phenomenon brilliantly in his novel, Animal Farm.
Most ordinary people enchanted by contemporary progressive movements believe they are participating in a forward, linear advance toward something positive. Like the hapless animals of Orwell’s novel, they are utterly oblivious to the circular paths these movements have taken or will ultimately take.
Modern progressive leaders act upon the same principles as their revolutionary predecessors, with one distinct and notable difference. Unlike the revolutionary leaders of the past, modern progressives possess the benefit of hindsight – they know exactly where their movements are heading. Modern progressives also utilize innovative, effective, and efficient methods to implement their totalitarian agenda, unlike their predecessors who relied chiefly on terror and brute force. Nevertheless, progressives will not forgo terror or violence when they deem it necessary, and they will readily implement the use of brute force with greater intensity and frequency if their agenda is openly opposed or challenged.
Those who wholeheartedly believe they are marching forward in the name of personal freedom (mostly in the guise of the current sex, gender, race, open borders, migration, climate change movements) will experience a mind-numbing shock once they find themselves back where they started and the circle closes around them. They will all be trapped into and by the “freedom” they were promised.
I have referred to the circular movement of progressivism as a vicious circle, and it certainly is vicious, but the Hungarian equivalent of this phrase better defines and captures the essence of the progressive movement. The Hungarian term for vicious circle is ördögi kör – which translates into diabolic or demonic circle. I believe this term best fits our modern circumstances and the foreseeable trajectory of our current progressive movements.
Historical revolutionaries championed materialistic equality and the rule of the proletariat; modern revolutionaries seek spiritual damnation and the rule of the demonic.
If this strikes you as harsh, off-base, or ludicrous, I urge you to take an objective look at what our modern progressives rally for and fight against. Consider Goodness, Truth, and Beauty and ask yourself where the leftist and atheistic progressive agenda places these transcendentals. Are they fighting for these things or against them?
If you believe progressives advocate for Goodness, Truth, and Beauty, you have been corrupted. If you understand that modern progressivism intrinsically and vehemently opposes Goodness, Truth, and Beauty, you still have a chance to reside within the realm of the personal and the spiritual, but this will acquire a tremendous level of awareness and effort going forward.
You must be prepared, especially as the line continues to bend and rise back up. This time around the circle is worse than vicious – it is demonic.