"If you dip into any college, or school, or parish, or family--anything you like--at a given point in its history, you always find that there was a time before that point when there was more elbow-room and contrasts weren't quite so sharp; and that there's going to be a time after that point when there is even less room for indecision and choices are even more momentous. Good is always getting better and bad is always getting worse: the possibilities of even apparent neutrality are always diminishing. The whole thing is sorting itself out all the time, coming to a point, getting sharper and harder."
As I mentioned above, Dr. Charlton has been blogging about things coming to a point - about the line separating good and evil becoming increasingly clearer and the space of neutrality between them increasingly diminishing - for years, but his recent observations on the subject suggest the process has ended in 2020.
Put another way, 2020 obliterated the gray area between good and evil. The sharp, hard point that had been building for decades, if not centuries, has finally materialized. Things are no longer coming to a point. In 2020, things have come to a point.
I fully agree with Dr. Charlton's lucid observation. Even a cursory glance at the events of 2020 (the birdemic, lockdowns, the global totalitarian coup, election fraud, faux Brexit) reveals that evil did indeed become undeniably direct, clear, simple, and obvious over the course of the year.
Thus, the overall point of 2020 is the understanding that we have reached the point; but what does this entail? Dr. Charlton summarizes the meaning of things having come to a point in the following manner:
In sum, when things have come to a point - life-choices will be substantially (this can never be absolute, due to our mixed-nature and mixed-motives) simple, dichotomous and direct. The choices will be between God, Love, Beauty, Truth, Virtue, Harmony... and the negation of these.
Once we have people choosing against-Good, against God, consciously and with their eyes wide-open; then that will also be the situation when people will choose eternal damnation in preference to the gift of salvation and eternal life as Sons and Daughters of God - they will reject Heaven and choose to reign in their own personal Hell.
This is the end game; yet we can see that this must be carefully prepared if the situation is not to 'backfire' from the perspective of evil...
The clearer that choices become, the more likely that the mass of distracted, cloudy-minded, muddled, partly conscious and not-yet-fully-corrupted people will perceive the situation and choose Good.
So - a world of things coming to a point is also a world in which it is easier to discern Good. Much easier...
The iron fist has emerged from its velvet glove; the wolf has shrugged of his sheep's clothing. Strategic deception becomes a thing of the past.
For Men of Good intent - life becomes clear and simple - right choices are easy to recognise.
After that - it is up-to-us, each as individuals.
Dr. Charlton further clarifies the matter in the following:
The Good side are those who support the goals of God's creation, and who hope to join with God in the eternal work of creation - the evil side are those who oppose this.
Things coming to a point mean that it is becoming ever-more clear cut whether we choose the Good side or the evil. There is less blurring, less chance of confusion. Our choices, therefore, cluster - since the Goodness and evil are so clear and separated; when we choose, therefore, we know what we are doing.
Our choices are more conscious, more deliberate - more significant.
It is worth noting that the ease of recognizing good and right choices does not imply that mortal life will become easier or better for those who choose to side with good. On the contrary:
This creates all kinds of problems, suffering, hardship, But in a world such as this one, coming to a point is a Good-thing. By 'Good' I mean in a spiritual and eternal sense - not a materialist and this-worldly sense. The process is Good for our souls, even when it is bad for our minds and bodies.
If we take full awareness of "the point" to be the point of 2020, then the active, conscious, and committed choosing of a side - that is, the active and conscious commitment good or evil - must become the overarching point of 2021 and beyond. As Dr. Charlton notes:
People have agency, people can choose evil, and they are apparently doing so in very large numbers. If so, they have made their choice and Will live with that choice (unless or until they repent it, which usually gets harder with time).
This is a test for everyone: it is a test for Christians. Christians are confronted with worldly-expediency versus spiritual virtue again and again, every day and in multiple situations; and their response (I mean their response in their own thinking) will necessarily go one way, or the other way.
Our true motivation is recurrently being tested, hence refined and strengthened.
This is Good and we ought to be grateful; because this is exactly theosis; it is how we grow in divinity (or the opposite).
A crucial item to remember as we confront "the point" of 2020 and move toward 2021 is that failing to be "a saint in all virtues" does not disqualify one from being on the side of good. Conversely, possessing considerable virtues does not render one immune to working for the side of evil. Motivation and repentance are key in determining which side an individual ultimately chooses:
Individuals are always a dynamic and evolving mixture of virtues and vices, good behaviours and bad; and modern fighters on the side of Good may well be notably flawed in terms of feebleness of virtue, proneness to sin, and selfish short-termism of behaviour... yet (thanks to the 'infinite' power of repentance) they may still be on the side of Good.
While, on the other side - the side of evil; individuals may have considerable virtues, and display considerable altruism and steadiness of purpose... yet these positive factors serve, in the end, merely to increase their dangerousness to the cause of Good.
To sum up, the point of 2020 was the recognition that things "have come to a point". The point of 2021 will be the choice individuals make in light of this recognition.
No one will be spared this choice going forward.
Failing to recognize the point as "the point" or attempting to maintain some semblance of neutrality after acknowledging "the point" will also count as choices in 2021. Needless to say, neither of these "non-choices" will count as a choice for good.