Karl is a genuine American hero. His courageous work on the vaccine front saved many lives and families. He always tells the truth as best he sees it, and I regard his blog as one of the very few must-reads on the Internet.
He is a smart, observant, and rational man. But he is not, to the best of my knowledge, a religious man.
Which, I think, makes it very difficult, if not impossible, for him to connect the events that he analyzes so well today with the pattern of historic manifestations of the same evil that is ascendant today. Because the wicked elite are not rational, their motivations are difficult to comprehend, and their inspirations are inhuman.
But the one thing we do know about them is that they celebrate death and seek to create more of it everywhere they go and in everything they do.
So, yes, with all due respect, they are trying to kill you.
Vox is on point here. At the same time, the past three years or so have also taught me that when it comes to matters of personal discernment about purposive evil, being religious -- more specifically, Christian-- is not enough.
If it were enough, then it would be difficult to explain why so many Christians have revealed themselves to be such moral and spiritual retards when it comes to making connections between events and evil motivations over these past three years.
And yes, I mean retard in both the literal and the offensive sense of the word.
Being Christian (religious) is vital -- but not enough. The past three years have revealed that one must be a certain kind of Christian to engage in the sorts of discernment Vox mentions. At the risk of being presumptuous, I think Vox would agree.