Now, before I go any further I must stress that the amount of energy and money I've invested in marketing and promoting The City Of Earthly Desire has been tepid at best, so I never expected to build much of an audience in the first place. The promotional activities in which I did participate were positive overall in terms reviewer responses. Perhaps, some might say, if I were to invest more time, money, and energy into promotion I would succeed in building up a "platform." (I really despise that term whenever it used). Perhaps. But I doubt it.
At the risk of sounding cynical, part of the reason I won't do any more of the suggested strategies for self-published writers is this: The marketing and promotion of self-published books is a mini-industry of its own full of opportunists who claim to be in the business of getting writers noticed. They deliver on their promises of featuring writers, writing reviews, and issuing press releases on blogs all over the web, but more often than not, these strategies utterly fail to achieve what they are set out to do - build an audience for a book.
The purpose of this post is not slag the marketers and bloggers who turn a few bucks trying to help writers get noticed. It is true that there are many writers out there who became successful through the means I described above. I am not envious of the writers who have found success through these means. I am truly happy for them and I wish I could be more tenacious when it comes to marketing and self-promotion, but I can't.
The truth of the matter is this: I learned that I hate, I mean really hate, marketing and promoting. Period. End of story. Even the little time I spent trying to get the word out seems like a waste; it took away precious time from what I really love to do, which is write. If I do any promoting from here on, it will be aimed at people or services who really can help build an audience for the novel, not simply offer pointless web-presence and empty reviews to hopeful writers trying to build a name for themselves in an utterly oversaturated market. I will keep my book out there on Goodreads and the rest of it, and I will continue to plug away at this blog, but I very much doubt I will offer anymore mass freebies or go on any future blog tours. From here onwards, I'll look for more meaningful ways to get the word out.