All that is required for sex to act as a rope is impulse, thought, and desire. Of course, these can be good things in themselves provided the right motivations fuel them, but we are discussing wrong motivations, not right ones, and when our minds fixate on wrong motivations, and we believe these wrong motivations to be right ones . . . well, that is where the real harm is done; where the greatest damage is inflicted.
All the act does pry open the realm of tangible consequences – the only consequences most of us are willing to acknowledge. This explains why we trick ourselves into believing the rope offers security rather than enslavement; why we keep our ropes short and our spikes driven deep into the granite when we begin to scale the sheer cliffs of our infinite desires. But we are both dishonest and delusional if we cajole ourselves into thinking the intangible consequences are insignificant or, worse still, non-existent. Whether we acknowledge them or not, those consequences exist – and as unbelievable as it seems, they are just as significant.
Accept it – the rope offers no security. The rope curtails; diminishes. The rope downsizes us; abridges us. The rope anchors us; hems us in; limits our worlds to small circles. Like junkyard dogs tied to trees protecting their great treasures, round and round we go, but we never actually get anywhere. The rope keeps freedom within sight but out of reach. Yet, we somehow manage to find solace in this state, which is why we refuse to cut the rope. Yes, that is all we would need to do – simply cut the rope – but instead of cutting it, we yearn for more rope, and when enough is provided, we will eagerly tie our own nooses and happily hang ourselves without a care for consequences, tangible or otherwise.