If only the world were more fair and more accepting, they wailed. If only the powers-that-be were less discriminatory and less prejudiced, they cried. If only people would wake up and understand that everything was a social construct, they argued. If only people could understand that the only way to liberate chained humanity was to reject the very fundamentals of what it means to be human. If only, if only, if only.
Well, I have great some great news for you, Woke comrade. The great struggle is over. The march through the institutions has ended. The emancipation you yearned for is here! Justice at last; justice at last! Thank the God you don't believe in, you have justice at last!
You see, the lockdown has achieved all of your noble aims in one fell swoop.
The lockdown has included us all and has rendered us all equal. Best of all, it has managed to achieve this under the banner of diversity. People of all races, colors, creeds, religions, genders, sexual orientations, and abilities have all been equally imprisoned. Social exclusion and privilege are of the past. Actually, society may itself be a thing of the past soon, but why mull on that now?
The entire planet has become one massive interconnected safe space!
Isn't a wonderful feeling to see your life's ambition manifest in reality?
Hey! Why the long faces? What's that? This wasn't what you were aiming for?
But of course it was! You were just too blinded by resentment and virtue-signalling to truly understand that your ideology could have no other logical end.
Well, it doesn't matter because your time is up anyway. The oppressors have no more use for you anymore. What's that? Oh, no, those guys were never the oppressors. No, no, it's them over there, the ones stomping on faces out in the street. You know, the people you were working for.
Now get this, they didn't really believe any of the stuff they pushed on you - they just used it as a means. The same way they used you as means. In fact, they thought most of the stuff was rather amusing, and they tended to get quite a laugh out of it. Look, I'll get right to the point - they have no further use for you. None whatsoever.
Oh, and you want to hear something really funny? The real oppressors, the guys you worked for, believe in God! No, seriously! I mean, they don't believe in Him in the sense that they follow Him or love Him, but unlike you, at least they know He exists!
Yeah, that does hurt, doesn't it? Kind of makes you wonder what you were really working for all those years.
The planet? Sure, maybe you could chip in to help save that, but as far as I know, the oppressors are already taking care of it. I heard them saying something about people making supreme sacrifices.
Can you think of anything more glorious and just than that, Woke Comrade? Are you ready to make that sacrifice?
Maybe not?
Ah, if only we had a choice in the matter.
If only; if only.